My Dr. Gordon Freeman Costume

Sep 25, 2007
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Hi everyone, just thought I would share my costume that I made for the Halloween Party that I went to this past weekend. I made it out of cardboard, spay paint, and duck tape. I hope you enjoy it!!

There is a better photo that I will post later, enjoy.

Hah, nice.

You better not have ****ing talked to anyone though.
lol awesome, and yea dont talk to anyone just ring the door bell and stare at them. :|
lol awesome, and yea dont talk to anyone just ring the door bell and stare at them. :|

And then try to hit them with your crowbar. If you miss that means they're good people, if you hit them that must mean they are allied with the combine or from xen.
I lol'd so hard. I had to close my browser quickly before the teacher looked over, and I just kept lolling until my whole class started looking at me weird.
omg that is f*cking FUNNY! I loled like there was no tomorrow.
Lets just hope you aren't going door to door with the crowbar in hand... cause I doubt Mr. and Mrs. Johnson across the street have played half life.
And then try to hit them with your crowbar. If you miss that means they're good people, if you hit them that must mean they are allied with the combine or from xen.

*opens door* "hi I am from the association use a carboard box as clothing?"
*start waving crowbar in the air getting closer to face* "aaaahhh help" *start chasing old lady trouhg the streets*
I lol'd so hard. I had to close my browser quickly before the teacher looked over, and I just kept lolling until my whole class started looking at me weird.
ROFL. I am in the same position.

That is one HILARIOUS Gordon costume. ROFL.
lol, well I am glad that I made you all laugh at it, lol. Hey I had no money for a good costume. So I thought: "Shoot, I will make a Gordon Freeman costume, out of cardboard." lol, like I said before glad you all like it.
Can you guys just imagine if Gordon Freeman really had a costume as bulky as that? ahahahaha
I lol'd so hard. I had to close my browser quickly before the teacher looked over, and I just kept lolling until my whole class started looking at me weird.

I started giggling. I need to stop or the teacher mgiht get suspicious.. D:
I lol'd.

BTW Why two pairs of glasses?

Well, one is my glasses that I have to wear to see, the others ( to fit the costume, cause they looked like Dr. Freeman's) was just some old glasses that I bought for a $1 and popped out the lenses. I hope that makes since to everyone? :dozey: