My dream has come true, they've released a pandora for movies..


Jun 22, 2006
Reaction score

Basically, you find movies, you rate them on a scale of 0-100, and they send e-mails recommending other movies you would like to you. Also, after they get a feel for what movies you like and don't like, they'll tell you what they think you'll think of any movie you search, par you up with other critics, etc. Seems like something I might get obsessive about, but yay!
Cool. I'll have to look more into this tomorrow.
Looks great. Be interesting to see how accurate it is, and how the accuracy improves over time.
I have about 25-ish movies rated, and so far it's pretttty accurate.
Trying this out now, pandora is pretty good at matching my music taste but I'd be really surprised if this can match my movie tastes.
Wow, I only reviewed the first few movies required to see your TCIs...
And it's actually fairly accurate.

I don't get it. I typed in the name of the movie then clicked on it. What now? I'm not seeing any recommendations.

EDIT: n/m, just read the little box to the left.

Also, what the hell does TCI stand for? The website is so badly layed out.
well you have very different opinions on movies than me that's for sure.

Also this doesn't seem like pandora, pandora matches things like melody, voice, synthesizers, beat etc. This just seems to find other users who rate movies pretty close to you.
Mallrats and Final Destination earned their low ranks fairly and accurately.

Final Destination was a pretty decent teen-death movie... I'd place it in the mid 60s.

Mallrats was a decent Kevin Smith movie, easily deserving of a spot somewhere in the early 70s.
Four out of the five most popular movies amoung users:

Four Brothers (2005)
Behind Enemy Lines (2001)
Man on Fire (2004)
Friday Night Lights (2004)

Are we crossed over into some sort of bizarro world here?
Not a single "most popular" film was made before 2000.
I like how no one's mentioned the Godfather on my low ratings yet, hehe.

And yeah, I hated Mallrats.
Friday Night Lights, Behind Enemy Lines, and Man on Fire are pretty good movies. Haven't seen Four Brothers though.
I have about 30 movies ranked so far. This is nice.