My Dream


Companion Cube
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, this will take a moment of your time.

This is set in some sort of Facility. To the back is a dock; a large concrete yard is between the facility and the water. The place appeared to be some sort of warehouse; probably to load boats as they stream in and out. To the east is two cranes, placed right next to each other. The back concrete path links up to their, turning a corner around the facility. Next to the crane, on the ground level, there is three or so temporary offices. And just past the cranes are some two tower under construction. These towers were pretty much made up of four stilts (one for each corner) and wooden platforms evenly spaced were placed between. To the north, back of that was an under pass leading to a sort of compound area consisting of a far high wall, a small barn area, a fenced of cargo container (gate locked) and a little pill box or thick concrete shed. Inside the facility, was a couple of maze like rooms leading until it reached the compound. Any west access was blocked off either by building material and rubble. Oh, by the way; It's all dark, this a zombie set. Not any zombie set, it was a HL2 zombie mod.

The earliest part in the dream I can remember is being inside the facility, in the reception area, closest to the dock. In there I was accompanied by three other female soldiers. But, these were no ordinary soldiers, these people were friends from school. We suddenly realized that we were trapped, two zombies from the right room, and one zombie coming from the pass hall. As we tried to fend off (only one of us carrying a small pistol that made a USP sound similar to of CS:S) we soon resorted to our melee weapons. For some reason I fell back to look at our food supplies (I don't know why I did, I just did, it's a dream, bare with me). To what I found was the hallway zombie, eaten them. This was one of close friends from school. As soon as he saw me, he got up and started to attack one of the female soldiers. This created a diversion so I ran down the hall and found myself with some more soldiers carrying a couple of SMG's and pistols. To the west, rubble, to the east, a pack of slow moving zombies. As soon as a gun fire was shot at one of the closer zombies, they all came running in, homing on the person who was responsible for the shot. I noticed they were running after me, I look at my hand and found a SA Vz 61. Now knowing the amount of danger I was in, I circled the pack of zombies and ran around the corner. There in front of me, about 30 yards was the two cranes I mentioned earlier.

I bolted towards the cranes and dropped my weapon because I knew I had to climb. I finally made it beneath the western most crane and mounted the ladder. As a ascended, I looked down to the crowd of zombies in a ten meter diameter of the foot of the ladder. Then I noticed a rather dominant fatter zombie plowing down the crowd rather determined to get to me. I laughed but then the laugh overed quickly ;D because the fat zombie had a hole of the two legs of the ladder. He broke the bottom bolts and continued pulling until he had managed to break the first six. I then looked up because I needed to get away, fast. But to my luck, a faster looking zombie (that of equivalent to HL2) was descending the ladder face first. I realized my doom was upon me (and below me) but as I looked down, the Fatter zombie had the ladder by the legs with his two hands. He let out a ghastly grin before he whipped the ladder making a ripple affect up the ladders steal frame (kind of like when you whip a long cord across the ground). The wave continued up the ladder until it hit me, with a great amount of force it pushed me off the ladder and flew me towards the wooden surface of the construction towers.

My body rolled across the wooden surface and I fell off the other side. With a bed of zombies beneath me, I threw my hand towards the edge of the plank and grabbed on for dear life. I managed to pull myself up only to notice right in front of me, was my old pal, the fat zombie. Still with the fiendish grin, he started to chase me off the platform. I ducked under his swin and started to head to the other tower (directly opposite.) The platforms on this tower however were set off about three meters, thus making a stair like effect with the two towers. I ran to the edge and lept towards the other platform. With the fat zombie scaling me, I managed to reach the peak of the towers. With the fat zombie to the side (Which I should mention, looked like the acting drama teacher at my school) I decided to leap onto the crane again. The zombie wasn't going to give up and tried to follow me. But as I got up to the hand of the crane, I noticed that the cranes arm was only just hovering over the facilities roof, just over the underpass separating the towers, and the compound. So with all insanity I put both my feet onto the railing supporting the arm and sled down it with incredible speed. I then realized (in my reality brain) that this resembled psychonauts. Nearing the end of the arm I then lept down to the underpass and grabbed onto the roof of the underpass. I safely fell to the ground and ran towards the compound. Past the barn and towards the fenced off area.

Just behind me was the pack of zombies, once was 50, now only consisted of 20 zombies. I reached the fence and used a barrel as a stair (this fence was quite lengthy, probably 3 meters). I got over the fence and landed on the cargo container. Somehow the zombies gained a spitting ability and aimed for me. With a couple spit balls missing me, I got off the cargo container and used it as cover. Wondering about what I was going to do, I took frequent checks on the progress of the zombies. Through the fence, probably the third check, I noticed all the zombies were huddled together, trying to build a human pyramid, using crouch to prop up other zombies. But as I turned back to face my head at the opposite fence, I noticed an RPG inside some tall grass. (Just like map makers, placing nice weapons where teamwork is needed... or a barrel). I sneaked and grabbed the weapon and began to scale the cargo container wall. Standing there, with all my pride, I looked at the zombies, each one of them huddled closely together. They all looked at me, and in the dead of the silence I fired the RPG round; killing everyone there.

I woke up laughing.
The most boring thing ever is listening to someone talk about their dream.
The most boring thing ever is listening to someone talk about their dream.

This is true. Not to be a dick, but it really is. The worst thing is when you're involved in a dream orgy where everyone feels that they must follow up on someone's dream with some made up bullshit ******ry excuse for a dream. WHAT A ****ING WASTE OF TIME. **** THE ESSENCE OF THAT BULLSHIT I HAET THIS THREAD ****ING DIKS EVERYWHERE.

It was alright though Naph.
This is true. Not to be a dick, but it really is. The worst thing is when you're involved in a dream orgy where everyone feels that they must follow up on someone's dream with some made up bullshit ******ry excuse for a dream. WHAT A ****ING WASTE OF TIME. **** THE ESSENCE OF THAT BULLSHIT I HAET THIS THREAD ****ING DIKS.

It was alright though Naph.
I usually have dreams where I end up falling off a cliff and into the ocean. At that stage I realise I'm dreaming but that a big freakin shark/whale could come from anywhere and I wake myself up by opening my eyes as wide as possible.
He is right, other people's dreams can be hugely dull, the internet is 50% made up of people's dreams threads. The problem is you can't even escape it in real life, for some reason wives/ girlfriends love talking about it too and all I ever hope is that I'll fall asleep myself.

In fact, last night I dreamt I was in a plane that crashed and I was the only survivor, didn't make any sense because the plane was in lego sized pieces. What does that mean? It means dreams are madness and wandering random thought and best forgotten. Dreams = overated and RUBBISH!
But I never or hardly dream about zombie scenarios. I hardly dream at all.
And the funny thing is, I remembered it D:
He is right, other people's dreams can be hugely dull, the internet is 50% made up of people's dreams threads. The problem is you can't even escape it in real life, for some reason wives/ girlfriends love talking about it too and all I ever hope is that I'll fall asleep myself.

In fact, last night I dreamt I was in a plane that crashed and I was the only survivor, didn't make any sense because the plane was in lego sized pieces. What does that mean? It means dreams are madness and wandering random thought and best forgotten. Dreams = overated and RUBBISH!
Oh yeah?! Well...your pants are overrated!
Seriously I remember 2/3 dreams in an entire year, perhaps why I'm so bitter about it. And those are always disappointing too!
I once had a dream where I could fly, and it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever experienced in my life.
I once had a dream where I could fly, and it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever experienced in my life.

Yeah that's what I usually dream about. But it's over shopping center isles, not over land D:
I once had a dream where I could fly, and it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever experienced in my life.

I've had this a couple of times. But it's always accompanied by me eventually falling into the ocean and wetting myself in reality.
I ended up flying straight into some power lines before crashing-landing in a park in front of my friends.
I went to sleep for like 45 minutes after finally getting vista to install, trying to nap before class, and i had a weird ass dream that involves an ostrich and a rhino.

I was at my parents house along with my brothers and sister, and we were getting ready to go out to eat at a restaurant. I looked out the window and a f*cking ostrich was staring right back at me through the window. Im obviously all like "wtf?" so I go outside, and by the time i get there I see that its across the street on someone else's lawn. I call out the rest of my family to see the stupid looking bird. Once they're all outside we start walking closer to it, and stop within like 10 feet. Then a rhino comes out of a bush near the ostrich and does a running headbutt to the ostrich which knocks it off this ledge and kills it dead on the driveway.

So I just say "F*cking sweet!" and am all happy. We figure the shows over, so we all turn around and start walking back to our driveway to get in the car and go eat. But then we notice the rhino is watching us so we kinda power walk over there. Just like a dog, it sees us running away from it, so it chases us. We all bolt for the car, and im the last one to get there. My brother jumped into the back seat of the car, so i head for his door since its open and i just plan on diving in and shutting it behind me. Well my asshole dream-brother shuts the door on me and im like "shiiiit" and start to go around the other side to put the rhino between me and the car, but as i run around the back of the car, the rhino has already caught up, and it headbutts me about 10 feet into the neighbors yard.

Thats when my cellphone's alarm went off and i woke up. Im not even making any of this up, i actually had this dream.
Because they're always watching me through windows lookin at me like this:

I ended up flying straight into some power lines before crashing-landing in a park in front of my friends.

What an anti-climax. I guess I would have preferred your ending over mine though, I hate the falling into the ocean thing.
I once had a dream where I could fly, and it was the most breathtaking thing I've ever experienced in my life.
Had a flying dream too. It was really weird. I remember being the experience feeling like trying to balance on a giant bubble. I almost fell a couple of times, then woke up rather suddenly.

I went to sleep for like 45 minutes after finally getting vista to install, trying to nap before class, and i had a weird ass dream that involves an ostrich and a rhino.

It's even funnier because I keep picturing you as John Freeman in the dream.
Last night, I had a dream where a man got really drunk then passed out next to a waterfall. When he woke up he discovered, to his horror, that a giant pink mollusc had consumed half his body. Thus, he spent the next three decades of his life with this giant pink mollusc attached to him. When it finally died and fell off, he was fitted with a mechanised armour suit to compensate for his lack of limbs. Incidentally, this man's name was General Naga.
One dream I remember almost vividly was getting almost beastily raped by my girlfriend (at the time) at the top of some form of amusement ride.

It was awesome :D
I dreamt I was getting a blowjob from a red head in a sauna.
Then he woke up and realised he'd slept through a blowjob in a sauna from a redhead.