MY EAR, it burns

Apr 29, 2005
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Ok maybe not burns as such but just this constant swoosh, swoosh, swoosh that won't f****ng stop :'(. It's this thing called tinitus and only STFU when noise drowns it out, I don't get paid enough for an MP3 player and i Cant use my laptop at night to listen to music, the radio isn't loud enough and that radio headset thing just sucks, suggestions?
done that, he was the best ENT in the southern hemisphere (apparently) and he put me on some meds to help me deal with it (not cure it) problem is that when taken they kept me up for the whole night, stopped me from eating and strangley i fell ill right afterwards, next idea
If they 'Fix' This problem, I die, what has happenend is my hearing is soooo sensative that i can hear my own corroted artery (the one you feel the pulse in the neck from) and whatever it;s called on the other side of your head :(
the_rebel_medic said:
Ok maybe not burns as such but just this constant swoosh, swoosh, swoosh that won't f****ng stop :'(. It's this thing called tinitus and only STFU when noise drowns it out, I don't get paid enough for an MP3 player and i Cant use my laptop at night to listen to music, the radio isn't loud enough and that radio headset thing just sucks, suggestions?

go to an audiologist can be fitted with a hearing aid that makes white noise to balance out your hearing (my brother is an audiologist)
Poke your ear with a pencil.

Doesn't it mean that there's a blood leak somewhere and it's lapping up agains the hammer inside of your ear? Try tipping your head on it's side and just leave it like that.
Twas reccomended to me and is being considered, providing the god forsaken meds don't work (i have to be on them for a fortnight, AKA NO SLEEP FOR TWO WEEKS) :\ Thanks for the booster shot in the mem though

Edit: No, there is no blood leak, they MRId me and put in the dye and nothing :( it also switched ears recently
Meds for an ear problem really shouldnt do that...thats f**ked up
I can feel my pulse in my head after excersise, without using a finger or anything.

That sucks man though. The other night I could hear this high pitched noise in my ears, I couldnt sleep it was well annoying, then it just went.
It's the brain worms!! (hey, someone had to say it :P )

Follow Stern's advice though and see an audiologist
xLostx said:
beat me to it ;)



the_rebel_medic said:
Ok maybe not burns as such but just this constant swoosh, swoosh, swoosh that won't f****ng stop :'(. It's this thing called tinitus and only STFU when noise drowns it out, I don't get paid enough for an MP3 player and i Cant use my laptop at night to listen to music, the radio isn't loud enough and that radio headset thing just sucks, suggestions?

It's not tinitus, silly. A grenade just went off next to you. Wait a few seconds and it'll stop.
That's nuts. I couldn't imaging living after that for 3 years.
My dad has tinitus in both ears from vietnam. So, constant ringing in both ears for a good 30 years.
JellyWorld said:
One of these days genmay is going to DDOS us for hotlinking their smilies.
How the hell did that Shens sign get on their anyway O.o
the_rebel_medic said:
Holy Hell, what does he do to make it not bother him so much?

I don't know. He says after about 3 years he started to just tune it out completely. 3 years alone would probably drive me insane though.
My jaw has been effed up for a good year and a half now. Its hard to eat burgers and hot dogs and other stuff as well as it effing hurts chewing stuff like "Now and Later's". But I got used to it and I don't see it going away anytime soon.
Riomare, with hypnotherapy you could tell your brain to ignore the sound.Its actually quite effective with this sort of thing, in fact it could probably be dealt with in 2 sessions.

I'd strongly reccomend it.

the_rebel_medic said:
Ok maybe not burns as such but just this constant swoosh, swoosh, swoosh that won't f****ng stop :'(. It's this thing called tinitus and only STFU when noise drowns it out, I don't get paid enough for an MP3 player and i Cant use my laptop at night to listen to music, the radio isn't loud enough and that radio headset thing just sucks, suggestions?
I'm obviously no expert, but I always thought it was caused by constant loud noises can even louder ones help it, wouldn't they make it worse? :E
How did you come to get tinnitus? Isn't it usually caused by exposure to loud noises?

It's either that or someone is talking about you behind your back (obscure referance to thread title). :)
Well, this was caused due to my hearing being so acute, therefore if I deafen myself with music or the likes it drowns it out. Thinking of starting a charity, "Save the poor medic with an ear problem by buying and I-Pod" House charity

question is, would you pay?

Few more symptoms:

When i excersise it becomes more apparent, not faster
It can't be srugicaly fixed
i can feel the blood moving in my ears (the swoosh sound) too but only when i make it so (some muscle that i can move that pushes the blood a little faster).