My embarassing story.


Aug 19, 2007
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Today I probably had the most embarrassing experience of my life, so what better way to make things better than to share it with a bunch of strangers :D

Anyway, my girlfriend's been on at me to buy some condoms for a while, eventually I got around to it on Monday, so I went into Superdrug and bought the condoms and some Cadbury’s chocolate clusters (you know, so it doesn't look like I’ve just gone in for the condoms). Anyway, when I got home I removed the condoms from the box and stuffed them in a drawer then stuffed the bag + the box back into my jacket pocket in order to throw it away.

Roll on today and I still haven't got rid of the box & my mum asks me to go back into Superdrug to get her some vitamin tablets. So I go in, get the tablets, pay for them & try to leave when the security barrier goes off. Anyway, I take the tablets back to the counter, get them scanned again, go through, goes off again. Do this one more time before the manager comes over and she tries it with the tablets and it doesn't go off.

They ask me to go through the usual routine emptying my pockets etc when I pull out the bag containing the empty condom box, the woman takes it from me and walks through the sensors & it sets off the alarm. So the manager plus another female staff member open the bag to see that it must be the security tag on the condom box. At this point they're suspicious because I don't have the receipt with me (no idea where it's gone) and the guys getting served behind me were two known drug dealers. They think i've taken the condoms out and passed them to a mate basically.

So who walks into the shop next but my mum! She asks what's going on and things and they tell her that I've set off the security barrier so I can't leave etc and they have to keep me there until they check their records to see if I’m telling the truth about what I bought & on the day/time I said I bought it. So there's me, my mum & two female staff members all stood in the shop for a half-hour with an empty box of condoms, not just any condoms but Durex Pleasuremax, like the most expensive you can get!

After much shuffling on my feet eventually they found the record of the sale, much to my relief and I was told I could go. My mum hasn't said anything about it yet, I guess she figures I've been embarrassed enough for one day. Of course the staff members thought it was absolutely hilarious afterwards, good times & the most embarrassing day for me ever. I think security tags hate me, because I bought a DVD the other day and then the security tag on that was setting off alarms in shops I went in afterwards. Moral of the story: Terminate security tags with extreme prejudice after buying anything.
I don't have a bin in my room, so I just stuck it back into my jacket to throw away when I went downstairs. Unfortunately I forgot.
the guys getting served behind me were two known drug dealers. They think i've taken the condoms out and passed them to a mate basically.

so drug dealers are allowed to walk freely around in your town?
should they just be shot on sight?

this is what happens when citizens have the right to due process of the law. I know, I know you're not familiar with that term in the fatherland but we westerners take this thing kinda seriously.

also Mortiz, I'd be pissed that they assumed I had stolen the condoms when you plainly didnt have them on you. You should have told them to go **** themselves when they asked you to empty your pockets.. they had no right to hold you for even a second. you should have told them to call the cops if they wanted to search you
so drug dealers are allowed to walk freely around in your town?

I was wondering how he knew they were drug dealers in the first place.

Do they wear little nametags?
I was wondering how he knew they were drug dealers in the first place.

Do they wear little nametags?

A staff member in the store told me. No idea how she knew, probably does a bit of business with them.

also Mortiz, I'd be pissed that they assumed I had stolen the condoms when you plainly didnt have them on you. You should have told them to go **** themselves when they asked you to empty your pockets.. they had no right to hold you for even a second. you should have told them to call the cops if they wanted to search you

Yeah I know, two things also, my mum knew the women who worked there fairly well, & they were in a Superdrug bag too & the only way you can get a bag is to purchase something. Sometimes common sense has to prevail.
the thing is that they try to intimidate you even though you've done absolutely nothing wrong. also your mom should be proud her son takes respnsibility for his actions (ie condoms) so you shouldnt be embarrassed about her possible reaction. I plan to give me son condoms when the time comes ...and my daughter gets a can of pepper spray
That'll teach you have intimate relations.
the thing is that they try to intimidate you even though you've done absolutely nothing wrong. also your mom should be proud her son takes respnsibility for his actions (ie condoms) so you shouldnt be embarrassed about her possible reaction. I plan to give me son condoms when the time comes ...and my daughter gets a can of pepper spray

When I went to Homecoming, my stepdad's friend offered to give me some.

I declined as I knew I was not getting any anyway.

Man that after-party sucked.
**** pepper spray, get her one of those vagina spikes.
well I'd want to prevent the vagina from making an appearance. ..a vagina spike is better suited as a last measure, along with tazer/firearm/canine whistle/direct feed to dear ole dad who's waiting in the sidelines with a quad shotgun (two double barreled shotguns taped together )

If you have a girlfriend and you are buying condoms you're doing it wrong. Get her on birth control, thats the entire point of having a girlfriend.
This reminds me of the time when I filled a condom up with water... They become so huge that they fold over whatever is holding them and they're bastards when you try to make them pop.
the thing is that they try to intimidate you even though you've done absolutely nothing wrong. also your mom should be proud her son takes respnsibility for his actions (ie condoms) so you shouldnt be embarrassed about her possible reaction. I plan to give me son condoms when the time comes ...and my daughter gets a [strike]can of pepper spray[/strike] coathanger

How responsible.
I feel that you are stretching the definition of 'embarassing'.
That doesn't sound embarrassing at all..

My mom would probably be like 'good, I don't want to have to take care of any kids'.
This reminds me of the time when I filled a condom up with water... They become so huge that they fold over whatever is holding them and they're bastards when you try to make them pop.

Securely fasten a condom to a shower head, preferably in the evening. When your target comes in and switches the shower on, they SHOULDNT notice the condom.

They turn the taps on, and in their hopefully dreary state, will take longer to realise that no water is coming out, so they usually play with the taps or whatever to get water to come out.

If all goes well, they should notice there's a condom drooping down on them, and be out the shower too late; should explode on them.

Buying the cheap ones is best as the better quality simply wont pop as you say.

Mate of mine at Uni told me this 'prank' in first year.

I laughed along with him, but I was laughing at him I told him. The flaw with the plan; theyre getting into the shower to get wet you dumbass.

Laughed like a drain for ages.
Moral of the story: your pocket isn't a trash receptacle.
No morals for this story needed, it is hilarious and here for my own personal amusement. I laughed heartily! You didn't do anything wrong yet it all went to hell :LOL:
I Lol'd


Life just wouldn't be life without this kind of uneasy humiliation. Hehe !
I think your mother might be relieved you are actually using condoms.
Securely fasten a condom to a shower head, preferably in the evening. When your target comes in and switches the shower on, they SHOULDNT notice the condom.

They turn the taps on, and in their hopefully dreary state, will take longer to realise that no water is coming out, so they usually play with the taps or whatever to get water to come out.

If all goes well, they should notice there's a condom drooping down on them, and be out the shower too late; should explode on them.

Buying the cheap ones is best as the better quality simply wont pop as you say.

Mate of mine at Uni told me this 'prank' in first year.

I laughed along with him, but I was laughing at him I told him. The flaw with the plan; theyre getting into the shower to get wet you dumbass.

Laughed like a drain for ages.

I could still see some people getting mad from being blasted with water right before the shower. Especially from a condom, if they see it beforehand.
it's funny that your mom just accidentally happened to walk in too. she probably didn't have much faith that you would accomplish the given task and was planning to just buy the vitamins herself.