My eyes have been soiled!

Do you prefer the current TDE or the old one?

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nice gif. btw dont make a big deal out of this, every child knows what breast are, and if they dont they should :) elf is just giving showing how they should look :P
KiNG said:
nice gif. btw dont make a big deal out of this, every child knows what breast are, and if they dont they should :) elf is just giving showing how they should look :P
its still not allowed on these boards, and frankly its pretty annoying to have that around.
A girl flashing her tits... That aint porn. That's just...uh, boobtastic.

Who even cares... Omg, little Henry, 11 years old, got a view of some TITS! OMG! We must buuurn someone for this!
CyberSh33p said:

anyway, as a form of protest, same here ;)

To everyone that keeps yellin' at me for "not knowing what boobs look like:"

I was viewing the site at my school, and that popped on my friggin' screen. That is never good, eh? By school policy, if I was caught there, I would have a week of In-School Suspension and I would be permenantly banned from all computer use.

It's not like I don't like boobs :p

Although I've seen better :O ;)
Well it's not our fault that you were going to sites you weren't supposed to.
NeLi said:
A girl flashing her tits... That aint porn. That's just...uh, boobtastic.

Who even cares... Omg, little Henry, 11 years old, got a view of some TITS! OMG! We must buuurn someone for this!

Your avatar makes me wonder...
The Thing said:
Some people are in school/work..'s a dude??!?! :x

lmfao, :angel: ah yeah, i didnt think of the religious aspect.
No disrespect to you hasan, but what are you fasting off of? Looking at women? Porn? Masturbation?

No offence, i really dont know... :o
Who'se the woman in your Avatar NeLi?
And its obvious she's churning butter :naughty:
oldagerocker said:
Who'se the woman in your Avatar NeLi?
And its obvious she's churning butter :naughty:

If only I knew what "Churning Butter" meant. :naughty:

And I don't know. Some random girl. :rolleyes:
NeLi said:
If I knew what "Churning Butter" meant, I'd probably agree. :naughty:

And I don't know. Some random girl. :rolleyes:
its when you do that mortar and estle thing to make almost butter into butter.
oldagerocker said:
lmfao, :angel: ah yeah, i didnt think of the religious aspect.
No disrespect to you hasan, but what are you fasting off of? Looking at women? Porn? Masturbation?

No offence, i really dont know... :o

It's part of our religion, Islam... it's 30 days of fasting (not eating). We eat at sunrise and fast all day until sunset, it's really easy, no drinking or eating though till sunset. It's like skipping lunch and not having snacks. People think we fast for all those 30 days, LMAO, not many people would be alive then. :O

Anyways, during the 30 days you are supposed to refrain from any "inappropriate" activities. You aren't supposed to look at pr0n anyways, but in this country it's hard to avoid, unfortunately. Basically, you shouldn't do it at any time, it's just more important not to do it during the 30 days.
I don't look at porn or masturbate either.

It's very strengthening keeping those sperms where they belong, I am alot more active compared to when I used to spank the monkey, of course it can be hard resisting the temptation but if you keep your mind at it you can overcome anything. :)
Pfft. At least I properly shuzer-- I mean censored it before uploading it as my profile pic.
SubKamran said:
It's part of our religion, Islam... it's 30 days of fasting (not eating). We eat at sunrise and fast all day until sunset, it's really easy, no drinking or eating though till sunset. It's like skipping lunch and not having snacks. People think we fast for all those 30 days, LMAO, not many people would be alive then. :O

Anyways, during the 30 days you are supposed to refrain from any "inappropriate" activities. You aren't supposed to look at pr0n anyways, but in this country it's hard to avoid, unfortunately. Basically, you shouldn't do it at any time, it's just more important not to do it during the 30 days.

Thanks for explaining it to me :D You must have some balls to do that and not give into temptation.
oldagerocker said:
Thanks for explaining it to me :D You must have some balls to do that and not give into temptation.

Yah... pr0n isn't a necessity of life you know :E

I'm of the opinion that people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't interfere with my life. Meaning, I don't get on peoples' backs since it's annoying and I hate it when it's done to me. :cheers:
seinfeldrules said:
Just let him have it. Get your collective panties out of a bunch.
haha.. ironic that you're the one saying that. but i agree, the more boobs the better.
lol, I figured that would need another explanation ;) gj subkamran.

gh0st, I thought you were religous some?
CrazyHarij said:
I don't look at porn or masturbate either.

It's very strengthening keeping those sperms where they belong, I am alot more active compared to when I used to spank the monkey, of course it can be hard resisting the temptation but if you keep your mind at it you can overcome anything. :)

The sperm you got at any given moment will die off after about 3 days anyway. Might as well get it out of the system :naughty:
So, uh, how do you delete temporary internet files in firefox?
The thing that surprises me the most is that she isn't a Goth *freak* ;) That seeems to be The Dark Alf's (hehe good one) cup of tea :) Or.. He's haxxed.
hasan said:
doesn't matter :P
and that's contrary to the term religious ;)
being religious is just having belief in a god, which i do. because i jerk it once and awhile to fenrics avatar doesnt mean im a bad christian.
wow the dark elf has become rebel :O
gh0st said:
being religious is just having belief in a god, which i do. because i jerk it once and awhile to fenrics avatar doesnt mean im a bad christian.
being religous doesn't mean just "having a religion", it means taking it seriously.
doesn't mean you hve to be perfect though.
Oh noes! Wardrobe malfunction!

* peeks at Profile *
Removed... tell me if you ever see anything similar from anyone :|