My first atempt at character modeling.


Jan 30, 2005
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Well lately I've been trying to learn how to character model and it has been slow few weeks. Today I have finally finished one up but I'm not sure of how good it looks, heres the picture.

I could use suggestions of improvment if any.
pitiful thats just pitful just kidding
as for improvements the design looks like one of those robots in those old movies. ...i really dont think that was what u were going for ..
to fix that you should spend time analysing different designs , deisgn theory and maybe look at work others have done....
one major flaw would be the chest area how does the robot bend ? does he pivot around the pelvus ? or is that some amazing flexible metal lol... i actually made the same mistake recently ..what u should do is cuty it off into segments.
nice work for a first u might want to tinker with rigging and texturing
Ive saw kids eat polygons and shit out beter models then that.
^^ not needed really, i think it's a really good try for a first go mate, :)
@DieHard: seriously you are a cokk. that looks great for a first char model and twaats like you are just putting him down. nice one :|
DieHard said:
Ive saw kids eat polygons and shit out beter models then that.
he said you could critizice but u should try and be constructive, where are your 1337 models, if this one is so bad for a first, i know i couldnt do it, i say gj for ur first try that is a really good model, dont pay attention to this dick.
This model is at 5315 polygons, a bit more than I was after but. This isn't a well done model compared to other charater models. And thank you for the comments.
i can't see anything wrong with it, except maybe the polycount. good job, i like the robot :)
Evil^Milk said:
i can't see anything wrong with it, except maybe the polycount. good job, i like the robot :)

Lol it was suppose to be a soldier, but nevermind that, having looked up on what basic poly counts should be for HL2 this kinda hits the spot, and I optimize all my modles.
oh sorry lol, the face and armor suggested it was a robotic being. cool nonetheless :)
Die Hard, the model he made is excellent for a first try. And after reading your threads, especially the one about models with moving breasts (thanx mindless) tells me that you are just one of those forum kiddies who need to develop skills, stop bashing ppl trying to do so for themselves, stop fapping it to polygons, and go out and get a real girl.

Believe me, they are real, they arent just found on Milfhunter .mpegs and Playboy mags, they really do exist. I've even had a few myself. spend less time worrying about looking cool on forums, which you dont anyway, and spend more time getting a life.

PS: Die Hard was a cool movie, and you're not cool. Pick another Movie name to steal. I would say the name Spice World would fit better.
owned bigtime :D

as for the model, nice job ! especially for a first try, keep it up ! :thumbs:
I think this is a great character model to be your first :>
Personally, I think this is actually a fairly impressive model, especially if you've only been learning a few weeks.

Ignore the little kid, keep working on more models
It's good.

If you're looking for a mod to character or weapon model for, then drop me a PM.
Ennui said:
It's good.

If you're looking for a mod to character or weapon model for, then drop me a PM.

dammit beat me to it. lol. if you dont like his mod you can contact me if you want to try another...
Thank you all for your comments, and I have improved 50% on the chracter modeling by making it in less polygons, more organic and better looking (Still can't do faces.) as for the modification offers, I would gladly join them no question regardless of what kind of mod it is. However I'm packed up with 5, thats right 5 mods at one time at the moment. (I'de show the model but I cant show WIP things yet for the sake of a mods privacy.)