My first Attempt at a Frag Video

Fragalishus, your videos "Boomstick" and "Rocketman" which are in .mp4 format show up as black, but I can hear audio. Im using the newest version of quicktime. do you have them in another format? or is there a codec I need?

edit: nevermind, I see the boomstick one in wmv, what about rocket man?
Yeah I don't think quicktime is too good for .mp4, x264 .mp4's anyway.

Easiest thing would be to use VLC player.

Or make sure you have a recent x264 build, and maybe install ffdshow. I got most of my stuff from this guide, and I can watch .mp4's in WMP9. Look under "for playback".

But no, there's no avi version of it, sorry.