My first attempt at digital painting


Jul 5, 2003
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I bought a WACOM a couple of days ago, and I've been trying my hand at this digital painting thing.

This is my first attempt at making anything.As you can see, it looks like a corpse and is extremely undetailed. Can anyone point me towards some good tutorials or offer advice of their own?

Great work
As for techniques. Well, I use Gimp, but using darkening and lightning on the edges will usually give a good 3d effect.

Examples of mine:



Without the darkening and lightening, it'd look like a corpse too.
Use some darkening underneath and brightening above and you'll have a masterpiece. Also, use bump mapping if you have it to give wrinkles, skin effects, etc. I usually do "Noise effect> Blur> Bump map"
Basically what Shippi said. If you don't have the proper foundations then you won't suddenly be able to create awe inspiring art just because it's digital.

Your best bet is to draw constantly from life. Drawing from books and studies on human anatomy do a great deal, but nothing really compares to having something/someone in front of you to draw.

If there are any life drawing classes in your area, sign up! Go the extra mile.

Also, search the net for the study books we all find at some point, Loomis, Bridgman, Hogarth, they are all fantastic resources and will help you a great deal.

Good luck, and check your pm's. :cheers:
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/me leaves

Ps, learn how to draw before you learn how to paint. Sorry if that was kinda harsh.. It's true though, painting at its core is just drawing with colour, and if you can't draw with a pencil and make it look good then you aren't going to be able to use paint (this includes digital btw) and make it look good either
For a first attempt I'd say it's pretty good, as Deviantart is filled with much worse stuff.

Keep working and improving, you have potential!