My first car!

not an australian i gather, the kits come on the TS50, i am workin on geting engine specs up 2 scratch to that model, replaceing the interior etc...
DiSTuRbEd said:
Body kits not rice? What you packing over 1000hp, trying to keep it on the ground? If your not its rice...its not muscle either is gay.

stfu about shit you dont know his car isnt rice with or without a body kit. I dont ****ing care if its a 4 lane wide kit its not rice.
Maskirovka said:
imo, ricing, or any body kit that includes a spoiler for a car that doesn't need a spoiler is a waste of time and money and just makes you look like a dumb kid to everyone except your friends who also think it's you even know what a spoiler is for?

rear wheel drive, 4.0 litre v6.

im gonna give u the benift of doubt and forgive u as u odviosly no nothing of aussie car culture. how about a little respect b4 posting stupid accusations. :angry:

and a spoiler reduces lift and holds the car on the ground createing better handling at highway speeds and faster. :cheese:
lol...sorry if i can't respect someone that wastes their money on things that don't increase performance i.e. RICE.

sorry, but it's a waste of money no matter what your "car culture" is. haven't you ever seen a NASCAR spoiler? they're not too big, yet most people put these giant wings on the backs of their cars.

I have a ****ing buick has a 3.8L v6. it's 12 fkn years old and it handles perfectly well at 100 mph...and the front end is smashed all to hell, too. y' designers...they test the handling of cars before they start producing at "highway speeds" (which is probably 20mph over for most of you ricer guys...cause fast is cool or something) they're already made to handle well...especially newer non-cheapass cars.

go ahead and laugh at my car, but i paid $1000 for it 4 years ago and my insurance is really cheap. I've probably put maybe $800 into it besides gas and oil changes....what's your car payment? :\

sorry, but you're not going to get much performance increase from the wing you're going to be putting on your car. it's just an aerodynamic fact. the spoilers most people add on usually end up creating more drag than downward force...and i'd say the one in the picture you posted will add a lot of drag.

honestly, i'm not trying to talk you out of doing it or something...obviously people will do whatever they want...i'm just pointing out that you're adding stuff to your car so it looks cool to you...please don't try to pass it off as uber fast or a race car or something. and it's totally fine if you want to spend your money on car parts or whatever...that's your perogative. what most people waste on car payments to have a nice looking car becomes a nice computer, nice stereo, etc etc. for me. if you're just some rich boy, fine...spend and spend...

an example of what i've seen written about this subject many many times from many smart people:
Spoilers generally will change your car aerodynamics on the speeds above 60MpH. They do have effect below that speed but rarely noticeable. Most spoilers that can be found on the market today are just money burners and nothing more. Body kits are even greater money burners and worth virtually nothing as far as aerodynamics performance for your car.
To design a spoiler or body kit for any car takes literally hundreds of thousands of Dollars (if not millions) to make them change your car performance dramatically or at least noticeable. It takes knowledge of aerodynamics and construction materials to make them really work. Hundreds or thousands of hours of testing in air tunnel and a lot of computer power (not to mention salary of the specialists) required to make any changes to the existing car performance.
The idea of spoilers, anti-wings and body kits is to get an extra downforce for the car starting at the certain speed with minimum drag force. It's not just a general part of the car that can be used on any car. Every part must be carefully designed for the specific car body. If we ever see those body kits or spoilers on the market - they should cost about twice the car price. So, if you just want to look cool and have a few bucks to burn - buy the kit or spoiler. If you want to save gas - stay with original design. Most (I'd give it 99%) claims about patented kits that really improve your car performance are nothing more than a marketing strategy that has no connection with real life or science.


Very rarely car kit or spoiler design will work fine for your car as far as increasing downforce noticeable and I'd consider it as pure designers' luck and not the technological achievement. F1 designers spend years of designing, testing and practicing to achieve desired results. They have tons of statistics at their disposal to make things work and top quality engineers to make things right. F1 can literally drive on the ceiling above certain speed as downforce produced by its shape reaches 3-5 times the weight of the car but it's still produces additional drag force and the engine power has to be used to compensate and burn more fuel.
i paid $2,500 for it as is if u must know. a bargin concidering they are about $17,000 second hand.
and you're gonna spend even more than that on the body kit so you can decrease your gas mileage....nice.
Nice car dude, don't listen to the haters.

I agree the bodykit will even out the front end, the headlights are a bit too pronounced on the stock car.
And i'd suggest leaving off the huge spoiler until you get to the more extreme forms of modifying, but that's just my opinion.
i'm not a "hater"

i just don't want him thinking these mods will help his car's performance. as long as he's honest about the fact that they're just for looks he can do whatever he wants.
Who says i was talking about you, Mr Egocentric?

And besides, even if he's not honest about the fact that they're just for looks he can still do whatever he wants.
bastard_loud said:
And besides, even if he's not honest about the fact that they're just for looks he can still do whatever he wants.
well.. to a point, it seems that maskirovka will hunt him down and do unmentionable things to him if he's too dishonest.
1. The car looks like crap without the body kit. (sorry man, it does)
2. The car looks pretty nice with the body kit.

What else is there to argue about ?
where are your statistics to support those facts audiorage?!?!?
AudioRage said:
1. The car looks like crap without the body kit. (sorry man, it does)
2. The car looks pretty nice with the body kit.

What else is there to argue about ?


thats all i wanted