My first concept character

Mr. Redundant

May 20, 2003
Reaction score
as stated before, I cant draw to save my life.

this is a character I created, I call him Blaine.
I didnt really have a design idea in mind, just a badass that I could use to express some tattoo designs.
I love designing tattoos. (especially tribal)
anyway, Im drawing his big heavy boots (Im trying for an original strappy goth heavy boot deal)
but he is pretty much complete (sans the lips, I couldnt draw lips.. I kept removing his stoic feel)
I plan to model this guy pretty soon, Im currently meshing a gun for a good friend of mine, once thats out the way I can delve into it.

as always, thank you Veridian for the hosting

aslo note he is wearing glasses, he probably wont be when I model him, since I love drawing eyes and I think it makes him generic with the specs.
(completely done from scratch in adobe photoshop)
lemme know what you think / any crits before I lay into the model.
Now how is he going to eat? :(


as said, looks like wrestler...

a tip: Mask the tattoos on the skin, then they wont look so 'painted on'
Very good looking. As Hipshot said, Mask the tattoos on the skin.
I reckon that drawing could probably save your life if needed...

In other words, good job dude :thumbs:.
pro wrestler ick, I tried staying away from the over muscled stereotype :(

as for the tattoos needing to be masked, they will be on the skin, this was just the concept, and I wanted them to stand out :)

thanks guys.. I think... pro wrestler... teh icky
any suggestions how I could change that?
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
pro wrestler ick, I tried staying away from the over muscled stereotype :(

as for the tattoos needing to be masked, they will be on the skin, this was just the concept, and I wanted them to stand out :)

thanks guys.. I think... pro wrestler... teh icky
any suggestions how I could change that?

his stance, his hair, i dunno, he just looks like one.. the title/logo probably adds to that too. Hard to say really. his shirt might be whats making the similarity aswell. Or that thing on his hand

Honestly don't really know, he just looks like a wrestler. Maybe give him a gun or something, that might help?
gah I hate pro wrestlers, now thats all I see when I look at it :/
back to the drawing board I guess
Looks very good, but you said you were going to the army, so you didn't have any time :flame:

But k00l he is!

I am, but working on a mod, and drawing a picture are two very different things
I said I wouldnt be able to commit to a mod project as I was to leave for the army soon, that didnt mean I was leaving in a week :/
I dunno about leaving the lips off, kinda looks weird without them.
Maybe just a line for the mouth then?
Even Schwartzenegger (sic?) has lips, and he's Captain Action!
Originally posted by Mechagodzilla
I dunno about leaving the lips off, kinda looks weird without them.
Maybe just a line for the mouth then?
Even Schwartzenegger (sic?) has lips, and he's Captain Action!
its just a concept :(
I can NOT draw, literally. I wasnt showing off art skill, I just wanted to know what I could add/change before i model him.
I model

the goatee does look ghetto, I was gonna do a lip spike instead, not long though.
Originally posted by Mr. Redundant
its just a concept :(
I can NOT draw, literally. I wasnt showing off art skill, I just wanted to know what I could add/change before i model him.
I model

the goatee does look ghetto, I was gonna do a lip spike instead, not long though.

Oh, in that case post the model when it's done. :)
Y'know, it is actually a good drawing as far as sketches go. With some more detail and/or texture on the anatomy and you'd have a piece of art happening here.
So, obviously you can draw. You just need to believe!
You better give me your wallet or my big brother, BLAINE, iz ghunna whup your @ss!!!

looks good, but I think that guy's badass level would be increased like x10000 if he were named something other than Blaine...

PS I know it doeant really matter, but I mean, common!
What about Lionel, or Dexter?

"His parents named him Dexter, and now he's PISSED!"