My first Drunk experiance


Nov 1, 2004
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So...yesterday i was drunk for the first time in my life...maybe a bit late in my age, i dunno.

Anyway, i was snowboarding with a friend, actually most of the school were there. When we where waiting for the bus, my friend asked for money so he could buy some coke for us, so i gave him some money. And what does he come back with??? A full bottle of Vodka the moment i didnt know about that. So i ask him what it is, and he tells me that its a sherry tasty drink with a "BIT" of alcohol in i taste it and it tasted pretty good with a sting on your tung and back throat and i have to give a painfull expresion on my face following with a ":x :rolling: DAAAMMNN...thats good" so we share the bottle, i take like 10 zips of it...and THEN i see the label "VODKA" on it...and i ask him:

"Hey...isnt...this the stuff dad use to..put in those small small 5 Cm glasses..."

my friend answers "...hell yeah!:farmer:"

Ok...right then, i was in chock...i just full throated 10 zips of this when your suppose to get only 2 or 3....holy shit i was going to get drunk.

I had this warm warm feeling in my stumech, feelt pretty nice actually...on the bus we had a few more zips without caring that everyone saw it because the effect was starting to kick in.

Suddenly, i desided to paint a drawing on the window with the fog, so i try to aim with my finger...then draw this guy...then my friend adds some stuff to it

"lets add" He takes about 10 seconds on him to actually put the finger at the right spot, then he drags the finger WAY offtrack "wow...woow" he says

Then we just sit there and talk shit when he grabs my chest saying "TITTIE!"
We were so drunk...then when we went of the bus, it appeared that we were droped of at the wrong place...****zor. But then there is a bus behind us going to the place we wanna go we go onto it but totaly forgets about inserting the ticket into the machine. We meet some guys from school there, i slap one guy pretty hard. We sit there goofing off, when my friend suddenly talks to the other guys about shit...finally one dude says "hey...are you drunk?"

Well, you see, me and my friend was havng a bet on who could have a normal conversation without blowing our cover, so i won. Then my friend said, " Ok...lets start gona ask someone on this start talk about fotball" and so he does. After an embarresing conversation he ask me if i want some more, i scream NO and he screams WHYYYY, and i scream BECAUSE I WANT IT LATTEERRR.....about now everone is looking at us. The my friend stands up in the bus, walks over to the driver and starts talking...when suddenly we go past our drop i rush towards the driver telling him to stop. both are pretty drunk, pretty far away from our home. After some time if walking we finally...weird enough, find Jonhs house were his parents are at. Lucky as we are, they didnt notice anything. My friend takes a shower, and i brush my teeths. We sit by the computer for a while and then i pass out...i woke up with a feeling that i was falling down from the sky, panicing and screaming, shaking....

I call my parents to pick me up...i get home...and sleep till about 2 hours ago.

So, its not that bad, not that good, drunken experiance. I am pretty sure its NOTHING compared to you people, but im proud to say...I HAVE BEEN DRUNK! :D
So... you said tittie, drew pictures, talked to people, and almost missed your stop? Fascinating. :p I guess it might be more interesting from the perspective of a drunk person.
Ahhh, being drunk...good times indeed :D
Well done.

funnet drunk escpaade ive ever had invovled, downing litres of alcopop, going to a massive gahtering

chasing a police line and ending up 20 miles or so outside of tthe city i live in thinking where the **** are we

that was a hilarious night
First time I got drunk was in Paris. On some weird Belgium beer. Duvel I think it was called.
The best nights I've ever had drunk are the ones I can;t remember, but get related to me later by everyone else. Those are priceless, since you have about 20 different stories of what you were doing. And besides, if you're gonna puke, it's always better if you don;t remember it.

DeusExMachinia said:
Alcohol's gross.
True to a point, but Crown Royale is an absolute nectar... of course, so is Jack Daniel's to me.
If you can remember the whole period of being drunk then you wernt drunk enough!

My most random and therefore best... drunken adventure was at the student union.

Its a pound a drink... and I somehow spend £40...

I dont remember a thing after about 10pm but I woke up still drunk at 11 the next day with SLAG writen in big letters on my left arm...

I talked to my flatmates and it turned out I had come home with 4 girls at about 2am the previous night but I was waaaay too drunk to do anything about that.
Naturally I checked my phone to see if I had any of their numbers... but the only number I could find had this as its name: Medical Center.

Oh dearie dearie me.... :imu:

<3 uni and <3 alcohol...
The first time I got drunk I lost at chess to my friend's twelve year old brother >.< The only time that ever happened.
I don't drink, but I reckon that some alcoholic beverages taste good...(sipping an alcoholic drink once or twice in your lifetime doesn't count as drinking right?)
I <3 booze. The thing is, in moderation, it's far better. Being drunk is all good, but I do love a glass of wine at dinner.
I'm not gona click the link because you warned it has lots of blood... and therefore is prolly something I dont wana see.. or anyone else on this forum...

But I did notice the link has drink driveing in the title.

Drinking and drink driving dont go hand in hand you know. Very few are stupid enough to drink and drive.

Also... didnt ya think when you were making your name that in only a few months that computer would be obsolete and you would look rather silly. :p
JNightshade said:
I <3 booze. The thing is, in moderation, it's far better.

QFT, I remember figuring that out when I first started driving and ended up shipping everyone to clubs and back. It turned out you can have a fat night out without being wasted. And besides, incoherency isn't attractive :p

But getting blatantly ****ed-up is fine in moderation :)

JNightshade said:
Oh, also, being stoned is 1,000 times better than being drunk.

The kindof stoned you get when you smoke is so subjective that you really can't argue that one :p
Exactly. Also, pot soaked in absinthe is the most amazing shit EVER.

/end of weed talk
I love my body because I've gotten so drunk I don't remember a thing, but I still haven't got a hangover. At worst I get a little thirsty.
Alcohol is the cheap last resort shit. Being drunk is a disgusting feeling, but it'll do in a pinch.
JNightshade said:
Oh, also, being stoned is 1,000 times better than being drunk.

Random fact - if I were to smoke weed, my chances of getting Scizophrenia would shoot through the roof. I'm already in "Pretty high risk".

-Angry Lawyer
Loc-Dog said:
Alcohol is the cheap last resort shit. Being drunk is a disgusting feeling, but it'll do in a pinch.

Well, if you've got the money for coke, good on ya.

That reminds me, where did Absinthe go?
JellyWorld said:
First time I got drunk was in Paris. On some weird Belgium beer. Duvel I think it was called.
rotfl :LOL:
Yeah, that 6.5% is indeed drunkifying :D

jondy said:
Well, if you've got the money for coke, good on ya.

That reminds me, where did Absinthe go?
He literally asked to be banned.
Ravioli said:
So...yesterday i was drunk for the first time in my life...maybe a bit late in my age, i dunno.
Why, how old are you? Also, where are you - as in what's the lgal boozing age down your way?

OCybrManO said:
I guess it might be more interesting from the perspective of a drunk person.
A lot of things are. Too many things, I fear.

JNightshade said:
Oh, also, being stoned is 1,000 times better than being drunk.
Our survey says: Urrr-urrr! /Buzzer noise
Personally I find being stoned pretty boring and stoned people to be fairly boring too. Thus ends "el Chi's Opinion Hour" - the highest rated show in el Chi's room.
Icarusintel said:
but Crown Royale is an absolute nectar... of course, so is Jack Daniel's to me.
i quote you for the mother ****ing truth.

both of them were used to get me drunk for the first time (plus tequila, vodka, and some rum)
JellyWorld said:
First time I got drunk was in Paris. On some weird Belgium beer. Duvel I think it was called.
Mess with the best, get drunk like the rest :)
el Chi said:
Why, how old are you? Also, where are you - as in what's the lgal boozing age down your way?

Im 15, im 16 in June. My friend got so much that he threwed up when he was 12, they had one of those contests with those pumps. I live in Italy right now, and from what i can see, i can go out and buy whatever i want without problems...
Hey man it's better to do it in a safe place or at home not near traffic though I'm glad you're alright but you gotta be careful alright? Shit even happens to the best of us and there's no reason to take chances.

edit: And fools Goldschlager is where it's at. Peppermint Schnapps for the win.

I'm a fan of Vodka but I will never drink Skyy again. Only Smirnoff or Absolut. I hate skyy with a passion.
Smirnoff is horrid.

Morrinov - Morrisons own brand Vodka.. wooo for cheapness


Absolut/Grey Goose for expense!
Grey Goose is alright but meh. How do you not like Smirnoff?

I'm always a fan of drinking a lot of lower proof stuff or a little bit of hard, hard stuff.

Like I'll go to town on a bottle of >>Tequila Rose<< or Hypnotiq. Or I'll chill with some Jose or something for a couple minutes and later on only remember parts of the night.
JNightshade said:
Oh, also, being stoned is 1,000 times better than being drunk.
I agree. Way down the list after weed comes alcohol tied with shrooms
I'm curious about coco puffs tho
But apparently coke is addictive or something
JNightshade said:
Oh, also, being stoned is 1,000 times better than being drunk.
Not as much fun as being drunk and robotrippin at the same time... that's where it's really at.
Being so stoned that you can't move isn't really that great, neither is greening out.

Alcohol and garden hopping for the win!
I got drunk in a Polish forest with my cousin and our friend last summer. We told our parents we were going for a "walk" so we took our bikes and went off into the woods near town (after buying alcohol of course). My friend was the responsible one always warning us to stop jumping off the cliff just 40 feet from where we drank 4 beers each, and telling us not to go yelling at people walking on the trail. Then I did the most dumb thing I have ever done, which I won't tell you guys about :p... So, we ended up going back and my parents were all worried saying we were gone for over 4 hours.

That thing I did has nothing to do with the other guys I was with.
i suggest you tell the internet


By the way, congradulations. Mark this day.