My first [finished] map

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I've been making maps, mainly for fun since I got Episode One back in January and finally I have one on the brink of completion.
It's a HL2 Deathmatch map, and I've attached some screenshots

There are 6 spawn points at the moment, is that too few?
What do you think?

- Also, as this is the first map I have finished, how exactly do i get it distributed?



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Too dark. Boring brushwork. No detail. No visibly consistant theme.
I don't think it's as dark as these screens make it seem. He might have his settings a bit whack.

I'd say for a first finished map it ain't so bad. Though msleeper pretty much covered where you need to improve.
great job for your first map :)

I'd say the next thing to do is brush up on basic design work (look at architechutre magazines or anything in the vein of the map type you want to create next)

and for the spawns, more is always better than less, I would go for 16
Better than your average glass floor CSS map.
What are you talking about, glasstrap_v2 is the final and ultimate product of years of 3D design.
Looking pretty good. But It lacks... detail. The rooms seem to have no props in them, therefore leaving almost nothing to hide behind. Keep what you've got but add in some... stuff everywhere.
Was too tired last night to post anything constructive.

Read some tutorials about placing light entities. It looks like you have placed your primary light sources too close to the ceiling.

Probably the best section. The wall texture helps break up the large space. Again, I think your light sources are too close to the wall, try moving them out a bit. Doors could use some trims.

This is a better example to show why doors need trims. 'Cutout' doors generally don't fit most themes. Making a simple trim border in a different texture will make doorways like this one look 1000 times better. Interlopers has a bunch of great tutorials on map architecture that you should check out.

Nice light/shadow effect, but needs some main centerpiece to give the room more purpose. Pillars might also work here.

There's plenty you can do to spice up these bare walls. Try experimenting with graffiti/poster/stain decals and overlays (see Valve Wiki for more info).
Thanks, this just reinforced what I thought about it, 'it's a bit bland'
I'll work on it over the next few days and if i can get something substantially better I'll post more pics
Agreed with previous posters. And 6 spawns is way to few for DM.
Looks really good. I'd add a few more details that would be present in the setting. For example, in EP2, there's a room that's used to store massive equipment, like large fans and generators. They are all stacked up on shelves.

Maybe something like a safety shower, or drains in the middle of the floor with the floor sloping down toward the drain would kick it up a notch.
Too dark. Boring brushwork. No detail. No visibly consistant theme.

Oh god, not another one of those assholes.

Great work for a first map, are there any models to throw around with the grav gun though? Good work! Nice lighting too, but yea, add some more brush details and fix up your lighting a bit.
Oh god, not another one of those assholes.

lol wut?

Sorry, but I don't think that holding the hand of every single person who manages to open Hammer really helps people get better. The map is far, far from great, and there's no reason to slap him on the back and give a high-five for a less than great release. Sure it is a good start, but not exactly a final product.
I know that, buy you can give him more info at least. Instead of more lights, tell him where he can add some, and some cool tips or ideas for it to make it look nice or something. But yes, I agree with what you said. Anyway, happy mapping all.
Go look at official maps.
The map itself looks alright so far. But I think it's far from "FINISHED". The goal here is immersion right? You want your players to feel like they're in a real environment. You should go back and add more world details. props and decals for starters... perhaps some fog in small amounts. KEEP WORKING ON IT!

once you get this level some detail, you can start your second level and concentrate on flow, advanced lighting, physics stuff... etc etc.