my first flash...

maybe [geoshyties] doesnt let me link things. oh well.
Ok... kinda wierd, but better than my first. (copy and paste his URL btw)
yeah it just blows hl2 out of the water.
post this on, so I can laugh, really, really, hard when people flame the living crap out of you!
Originally posted by |CC|Hudson
post this on, so I can laugh, really, really, hard when people flame the living crap out of you!
Wtf dude, its his first, and a good one at that.

The only reason I thought it was good was because it was so bad :P
3 should be they each fire a gun at each other :click: :click: .... look down the barrels and the bullets come out for no reason!
Originally posted by thehunter1320
3 should be they each fire a gun at each other :click: :click: .... look down the barrels and the bullets come out for no reason!
You make really amusing flash cartoons, looking forward to the next one.. :)
LMAO. I love 'em. Chep, yet very funny.

Very ''-ish :p.
Originally posted by gh0st
get on aim chris

cant FATHER wont let me :( no aim on my comp he says, i do have IRC though, ummm SN is Waedoe
what program do you need to have to make flash movies like that?
make sure you copy/paste the link directly into your browser.

and you use macromedia's flash MX
Time to post some of my old-ass flashes. Maybe I'll even get back into it and make some crappy ones :D

Ack, gotta make a Geoshitties account, post em soon.

- Shitty gun animation, traced it into flash with the line tool and created an arm and hand and animated them, later added sounds and ejecting shells. Just an experiment.

- When I was in Primary School we had an old shitty computer with that McGee's Fine Artist or whatever, anyone remember that? Anyway I used to make crude animations with the slide-show feature, and I remember the best one I ever made was called "History" which was a brief history of the town I live in, from the ice age to being discovered by british and a town being built up, to sometime in the future when it gets nuked XD eheh. Anyway this was meant to be a remake but it turned out shitty and I got bored of it :P Enjoy.

- One of my first flashes, took me a full day to complete, and it's frame by frame so the filesize is slightly bigger. Anyway I'm ranting, just watch em :D

There was more but the first time I uninstalled flash I deleted the Macromedia folder afterwards and forgot they were in there >_<

Remember to copy+paste em.
Nice opening a flash thread! I've been making shorts and movies in flash for about a year or two, I'm actually starting with a kind of action-movie with characters drawed with a wacom tablet !

Gh0st, your animations are actually quite good for a start, I used to make alot of stickdeath-shorts aswell before...

In my first steps in flash I made a couple of Alien (from the movies with the same name) episodes, they sucked bigtime.. The story was something like them crashing with a rocket spaceship on earth and they start fighting with marine soldiers and so on..

Later on I discovered (stich figure death theatre, it used to be ALOOT better, they've ****ed up the site or something like that now..) and I made some stick warmovies , kinda fun with music and sound from MOH:AA ... I don't remember all my stickdeath movies but later on I made three parts of an Alien Versus Predator webisode thingie.. But I went lazy and stopped making them..

AVP Pt 2
Here's the second part of the webisode, I guess they took down the other two while I was gone.. I don't remember when I made this , I think it was in april the year before this year..

The first contact I ever had with making own movies was when i made a kind of stupid game called Hidden Treasure in Powerpoint with the slideshow and button thingie... Kinda fun really..

BTW , I suck at making explosions in Flash , does anyone here know how to make them good and realistic??? I don't want to trace .avi's of explosions or .Gif animations from doom or something like that..
I think I lost a few million brain cells from watching these.
there must not have been many to begin with :dozey: