My First Model - A Train


May 16, 2003
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Hey everyone, I've just started using Softimage XSI and decided to make a city train for my first model. I know its pretty lame compared to some of the excellent models posted on here but I thought i'd get feedback anyway. It features double and triple seats, hand rails and windows.

I originally modeled it and it was a whopping 4238 polygons, but managed to trim it right down to 1850 for the second render. It would be cool to see a train going around a city map, having npc's and player characters get on and off to save running or driving very large distances - plus it helps the environment



PS : Sorry about the water marks, Softimage XSI EXP (the free version) does that
for HL2 huh.. the human character models are already 5000/7000 poly's, why did you made the train so undetailed and simple.
because textures will do alot, and people will probelry be in them....
Looks pretty detailed to me. Just cuz the poly counts can be higher than before, we still have to optimize. Maybe add another set of four vertical edges to the poles so they look more round. If you have a few more polys to spare round the seats a bit too.

Maybe make it a bit more cramped like the subway trains in NY and Toronto :) heh heh. F-ing sardine cans. Also perhaps make the windows smaller so there are places for the posters you see in these types of cars.

Great model!

Out of curiosity Evil what details do you think are missing? Urks me when people criticize but make no suggestion for improvements :P.
well of course, many cars of the train will be attached so to reduce the lag. he lowers the poly count so more cars can be attached :)
Damn, that's a nice model. It's pretty detailed for low poly and as Sidewinder said a good set of textures and that thing will come to life. Excellent job
Thanks for the feedback everyone.. XSI is so damn easy to use, if anyone is thinking of starting 3d modeleling without any experience then XSI : EXP is a good place to start. Also be sure to check out the video tutorials on

wow dude, took u a day just to do a Fire Engine. Your amazing. Didn't think u'd be this good when i assigned it to you :cheers:
ya i might give it a shot too.

but my main priority is learning C++
I spent 60 minutes redoing the train in XSI and this is the final result. Curved seats, double sliding doors, well proportioned windows, a diagonal ad bar on either side of the roof are among the new features :


The poly count is alot higher but still within a good range for a single model :)
i still think it was way to low poly. imean.. everyone knows on how good everything can look with source. now if I would be a mod player then I would be kinda dissapointed to see trains that look like they came out of hl1. even the passenger train in the beginning of hl1 had more poly's and detail. c'mon!
you can do better then this!

just look @ the cars in the hl² movies. they look prettydetailed. try to reach that level. i am sure the modelers at valve know the amount off poly level stuff they can put in thier models. s i am sure it is oke to put this amount in cars and trains etc. and people with lower end machines will still be able the enjoy the game at 60fps because the engine is scalable. wich means the higher poly stuff will be redused by LOD. wich makes sure everything is is the roght amount off poly's etc for your system to handle and according valve it wont look bad.
Kinda think, that model has less polys than some of the weapons in HL2, but whatever it looks really good.
Ok point taken, I thought that there would be six or seven train carriages, and if one is over 2000 polygons then six or seven could lag up the system. I wish there was some sort of guideline as to the number of polygons recommended :/
ya, my idea too Smilez.

how much cars does a subway train consist of anyways? more than 7 i think
depends her in boston we have Red line trains that have about 8 cars Orange line which are 6, green line which are 2 cars. So it's not really a set thing in world use. otherwords how ever many cars you feel is neccesary.
the second train looks awesome, a great improvement on the first which looked good too.
the second one isnt a train .
personally i think things that are part of the environment shud be kept lowpoly .
if a train isnt a vital part of the mod and is only there for detail like a train the train station it doesnt need to be high poly .
My Priorities! :cool: :
1. Learn C++
2. Create the best damn HL2 mod you've ever seen
3. Learn to model (not vogue, 3d!!)
^ OoooKkkk

he has a new improved train aswell he just made, maybe he'll show u guys it on the forums when he is on :)
Originally posted by EVIL
i still think it was way to low poly. imean.. everyone knows on how good everything can look with source. now if I would be a mod player then I would be kinda dissapointed to see trains that look like they came out of hl1. even the passenger train in the beginning of hl1 had more poly's and detail. c'mon!
you can do better then this!

just look @ the cars in the hl² movies. they look prettydetailed. try to reach that level. i am sure the modelers at valve know the amount off poly level stuff they can put in thier models. s i am sure it is oke to put this amount in cars and trains etc. and people with lower end machines will still be able the enjoy the game at 60fps because the engine is scalable. wich means the higher poly stuff will be redused by LOD. wich makes sure everything is is the roght amount off poly's etc for your system to handle and according valve it wont look bad.

dude u think LOD is everything. LOD also has a know bug of instead of reducing giving even more poly's to complicated models. I realy thing peopel shouldent be makeing so high poly models and wake u were in the year 2003 not everyone has a readon 9900 pro super ultra deluxe so PLEASE try to model low poly!!
Originally posted by EVIL
i still think it was way to low poly. imean.. everyone knows on how good everything can look with source. now if I would be a mod player then I would be kinda dissapointed to see trains that look like they came out of hl1. even the passenger train in the beginning of hl1 had more poly's and detail. c'mon!
you can do better then this!

just look @ the cars in the hl² movies. they look prettydetailed. try to reach that level. i am sure the modelers at valve know the amount off poly level stuff they can put in thier models. s i am sure it is oke to put this amount in cars and trains etc. and people with lower end machines will still be able the enjoy the game at 60fps because the engine is scalable. wich means the higher poly stuff will be redused by LOD. wich makes sure everything is is the roght amount off poly's etc for your system to handle and according valve it wont look bad.
No need to wast polies either. I think it looks just fine. Not realy anything to add to it anyways. Plus if u figure u will ahve a few dozen of those connected the polies start getting pretty big.
hey buddy.. that's some good work..i know 3ds and have XSI but i've been lazy... im mainly a mapper.. but now that i think about it .. i believe i should start working on XSI just so atleast i can do some good prefabs & models for my maps.... kinda made me realize what i gotta do to be an expert mapper.. and dont listen to teh haters.. the "EVIL" guy.. apparently he has a complete lack of knowledge as to the source and capabilities. With Bump mapping and decent lighting that simple model will look quite complex... gJ keep up the good work.. i'd like to know more about your mod.. plz email me at [email protected]
As Submerge mentioned, this train may eventually be used in urban maps in the Downtown Dispute Mod. It would be awsome to see a train going around a small city with people/npc's getting on and off :)

The latest version :


For those interested I modelled the latest version after the New York City R62 Train (without the front bars and wires)


Obviously it needs a lot more work and further optimisation but its a work in progress!
ya man, gotta love it :)

we'll make sure to use it, along with ur other models ;)