My first model

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YES I can't belive i made one Its really bad not very smoth I have alot of work to do on it. I started out trying to make it for Ghost recon just to see if i could but now i think i'll redo it as a cleaner version and try to get it into this game some how.


  • m4new.bmp.jpg
    13.4 KB · Views: 354
looks nice for a first model, but it lookes like you have just mixed some primitives without welding it. it needs to be one big piece (trigger etc needs to be sepperate, and the barrel has to many sides)
Yeah like i said its bad. I know i have no wielded anything togeather on it yet. there is no detail on the thing. It was more or less just for my self just to see if i could do it. Its only about 10 to 15 mins of work. I would rather spend the time that it would take to fix this model up on something i would like to see in a game there will be tons of M-4 models but I think i'll do a SR-47 you don't see it in many game at all i think there are a few mods out there like for Ghost recon and other tatical games that have it in it.
15 min on ur first model? Thats hella good! I say keep it going man. I wish I could model. Perhaps someday I'll get a modeling program and give it a go. Its always been something I've wanted to get into.
Hey its pretty good for a first attempt.. I wonder why 3ds Max always makes polygons different colors.. it always looks weird :)
it does that so it's easier to mange the pieces of a mesh. use the material selection dialouge to put solid colors on a mesh.