my first models


Jul 5, 2003
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wel, as the title implies, here are my first models I have ever made, yes, I know, I suck, but Im just learning, so please dont flame!

BTW-they are all supposed to be starships


  • s3.jpg
    45.7 KB · Views: 389
another (getting annoying now?) :cheese:


  • ex.jpg
    80.7 KB · Views: 326
well i have never used wings3d so i dont know how it works but I think what you need to do is learn your smoothing groups, Once you smooth those models out, epsecially the first picture they seem to lose all of there definition and they appear as a big funny shaped blob :(
Ohh... i will say however that the last pic looks good for a first attempt :)
I use Wing3D all the time.... In fact if you visit the website in my sig and go to the media page all the weapons and vehicles were modeled in Wings3D.

IMO Don't post screen captures of smoothed views from Wings because the way it does smoothing isn't so hot. The last one is much better because you can see the work you put into the model. Keep it up.

hmmmmm, can't u just make a closer render. Now a crappy print screen.
You're off to a great start. I don't have any crits, but I will say that you should definitely stick to it and keep working. You have a lot of potential and you will only get better with time and practice.
thank you all!
originally, these were planned for a mod called IDA, but it died, so now I have a bunch of models I will never use, oh well.
Looks way better without that smoothing poop turned on.

Good work.
Very nice i like them. Some tips try learing max or other "good" programs. And wings3d has some nasty smooth hehe.

Did you make the design? If so :cheers:
yeah, I designed all those, I will post some of my refrences, if you like.

this particular one is of the "tripoli" and yes, I know the art sucks, but it was used purley for designing the models.
This was for the groups of fighters (the four low poly ships lined up)