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If it runs the games you need it to run, good for you. Enjoy it.

If you still feel like its not doing what you bought it for, id seriously consider returning it, if possible. IBM is the best imo. You could also have a pc built for you and shipped, tad more expensive, but still cheaper than buying the complete system.
It's going too far now, I've had to delete a couple of trolling posts about his PC, I said on the other page you guys shouldn't be so harsh, and MRG who feels even stronger about it has a very valid point. It's all relative, Bow has a good computer for what he needs it for, without having to ship it in from dell costing even more.

I remember when my father took me to buy our first computer. It was a heap of turd, but at the time it was amazing and I adored the machine. Never would anyone in my family think of building a computer, a pre-built computer is great for 95% of households across the world, few people have the knowledge to build one themselves (or the confidence).

MRG, I've got a great deal of respect for your drive to help people, and I'm sure regardless of your anger management problem that Asus wouldn't mind you working alongside him here in the future...when the time comes.
It's fine, I'm using Steam on Vista right now, no problems at all.
Half-Life 2 will run on Vista, problem is that the videocard you have is not meant for games. The way it generally is with integrated graphics cards is that their sole purpose is to fix the lag you have when you browse around in Firefox, explorer, anything that might be part of the operating system. That's my theory, anyway. And it compensates for such things quite badly... Now, about Vista - You'd be better off with Windows XP, since Vista is notorious for horrible performance in contrast to XP.
Vista is notorious for horrible performance? It actually manages memory better than XP does; the only problem is the OS is relatively new so driver support is still being worked on.
I think you are going to struggle to run HL2 on high settings with that graphics card.
I think you are going to struggle to run HL2 on high settings with that graphics card.

hl2 shouldn't be a problem with the card at all. it is still a dx9 and can run most games. people dont know what they are talking about in this thread.
I dont really know shit about computer hardware, but ive built my last three systems and using only the internet I have never encountered a problem that was unsolvable. "Support" is overrated. All they do is ask you questions about obvious things, sometimes completely irrelevant, and when they rule out that its not something simple they tell you to send it to them to fix it (ie: reformat it and delete everything, maybe replace one of their shoddy parts that will break again in a few months).

Or at least thats what ive heard from my friends/family.

At any rate, its sweet that you got a new PC, and even sweeter that your dad bought you one. If you're just in for the experience, and not for the "bang for your buck" then thats a fine pc. I remember when me and my dad went shopping for our first real computer. It was awesome. We went to a whole bunch of stores and looked at them, asked about what certain things meant, and then we ended up buying a Compaq Presario for around 2grand. I was so stoked. I got home and hooked it all up as fast as I could and started playing the first Delta Force game, and Decent 3. I was like "OMGOMGOMGOMG" and didnt stop smiling for the whole week. Ahhh, the good ol' days of pre-1ghz processors.


Oh the memories that game brings!
I remember when me and my dad went shopping for our first real computer. It was awesome. We went to a whole bunch of stores and looked at them, asked about what certain things meant, and then we ended up buying a Compaq Presario for around 2grand. I was so stoked. I got home and hooked it all up as fast as I could and started playing the first Delta Force game, and Decent 3. I was like "OMGOMGOMGOMG" and didnt stop smiling for the whole week. Ahhh, the good ol' days of pre-1ghz processors.

Sigh.. Your story brings back memories. I remember well that feeling. Except for me, it was way back in 1992 when I was a Junior in High School. I saved up the money I earned while working for my dad one summer & then blew $2,800.00 on a then top of the line Pacard Bell 486DX 33mhz w/4mb RAM a massive 120mb HDD, onboard SVGA graphics, a 2400baud modem & a Sound Blaster Pro ISA sound card. My first 2 games were "Aces Of The Pacific" & "Wing Commander" God I was in heaven & the envy of everyone in my Advanced Computer Class. LOL! "Advanced Computer Class" in 1992. Ha! As if they were "advanced" back then. All I did was Program in basic all day long. Making programs & games.

Why was my post deleted? I wasn't trolling at all, just giving him a good system he should have got..
Sigh.. Your story brings back memories. I remember well that feeling. Except for me, it was way back in 1992 when I was a Junior in High School. I saved up the money I earned while working for my dad one summer & then blew $2,800.00 on a then top of the line Pacard Bell 486DX 33mhz w/4mb RAM a massive 120mb HDD, onboard SVGA graphics, a 2400baud modem & a Sound Blaster Pro ISA sound card. My first 2 games were "Aces Of The Pacific" & "Wing Commander" God I was in heaven & the envy of everyone in my Advanced Computer Class. LOL! "Advanced Computer Class" in 1992. Ha! As if they were "advanced" back then. All I did was Program in basic all day long. Making programs & games.


My first one was a P3 900mhz, 256mb Ram and a random video card with 32mb. It was a S3 Savage4 or something like that. It was awesome at the time! I eventually changed to a Geforce FX 5200 with 128mb. But it started getting very annoying because I stayed with it for like 5 years. I got rid of it to buy a new one this year. :P