My first render.


Jul 5, 2003
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I have dabbled in the past with modeling, but failed miserably. I was far more interested in the process of rendering things and creating textures and materials than actual geometry.

I recently purchased facegen modeller, which uses images to create a model of a human face. The images I imported: George W. Bush. My mission: to create an inhuman army of Bushes and learn how to render them properly.

It took me about 3 hours in Blender trying to get to this stage. Does anyone have any suggestions? I'm brand new to this whole 3D thing.
More of a comment, but its great to see people use Blender around here! Its not easy to make that sorta stuff with Blender to good job! :D

Perhaps a few more wrinkles around the face, especially on the top of his head (though you are probably planning to add hair).
Well that's the thing, I didn't make the model, I just used a face-generating program to create the model from a set of pictures. I did alter the texture a bit to remove facial shadowing from the original image, so I'll be adding more details to the top and back of the head soon.
very nice, how dificult is it to learn something like this?
Pretty difficult. Especially rendering, its a lot of technical stuff.

Does blender have Sub-Surface Scattering shaders? That would as oogles of realism (and time) to your renders.

Is it safe to assume you know the basics of lighting, like key/fill/rim lights, and support lights like kickers and such?

I dont use blender, so I cant really be of much help on the software side, but I know a bit about rendering if you have some general questions.

Also, I HIGHLY HIGHLY recommend the book Digital Lighting and Rendering by Jeremy Birn. Its simply amazing, and even better, non-software specific. He goes over pretty much everything, and not through tutorials like most books. He actually goes over concept, theory and practice. Its only 30 bucks or so, and its worth much more than that.
Ooh, I just learned that the latest version of blender has subsurface scattering, so I'll be updating soon.

I think I'm going to end up modeling a scene of rows of jars on shelves holding the heads of Bush, Futureama style.