My First Work: Stalker Signature


May 26, 2003
Reaction score
Hi all, this is my first proper go at making a nice looking piece of art. I used Paint Shop Pro 5, and I don't know anything about any other platforms or jargon etc., to do 'photoshopping' and such, so please, forgive my ignorance if I don't understand some comments or what not. I tried lots of different things at first, especially trying different contrasts. Such as a light (negative) background picture, with the dark picture in front. I also tried having the background pic blurred and the closer one sharpened. I took quite a long time screwing around with all the different effects but in the end I went for a very a dark ominous feel. I simply upped the %constrast for the back picture and used 'find horizontal edge' for the forepic. For the letters I simply cut them out freehand on a black background and then copied them onto the main picture, and used the chisel feature. Personally, I think its quite simple, but very bold and effective. I would use it as a signature for a forum but that's only me. What do you guys think? Any tips and/or criticism would be helpful! I never relaised how fun messing about with pictures in PSP could be and I'd like to get into it more. Also any info for a beginner getting into photoshopping would great. Enjoy!


  • stalker03.jpg
    30.9 KB · Views: 317
Yep its very dark, You could probably try fixing the brightness / contrast but unless you've another version than the one you posted it looks like it may ruin it as there doesn't appear to be enough levels in the one you posted to edit the brightness and contrast successfully

If you can post a fixed one from the original that would be great. It seems ok but again, too dark to make a fair comment on it
I'll make it a bit brighter than, I made the text myself, so I can imagine it might look a bit poop, although I don't really know what I can replace it with :p
Really ugly, its overly dark and barely readable.
Well, everyone's already said it's dark.

I don't care much for the font. It's all scribbley.
Also, what is the object on the right? I can't make it out.
Originally posted by Top Secret
Wow, that's the most negative feedback I've ever seen. :)

I agree. Folks, let's try to give the guy at least some positive feedback! ;) Alzxul, I think it looks kinda cool in the top left region. It was a neat idea to make your own text, but it is a tad too dark. Also the right side looks weird in a good way, but also too dark. Try to brighten up the text and the right side, or maybe get some new text, and it should look a lot better. Also, try not to make it *too* contrasty, as it can be hard on the eyes. Good luck!
Wow, that's the most negative feedback I've ever seen.

Lol, yup that was what I was thinking. I was also hoping for some more tips on photoshopping etc., but I guess I was out of luck :p. Anywhoo as everyone seems to hate it I think I'm just going to leave it for now, perhaps come back to it later since I've lost the will to work on it.
I have had more negative feedback on my 3D models. But, if you change the font and the gamma/darkness, it should look fine.
Yeah I saw some of your work, and I thought the negative feedback for it wasn't entirely justified.

Anyhow I changed my mind and decided to have another crack at it. I changed the contrast on the back pictured to give it a more dusk feel rather than dead of night. For the foreground picture, instead of using %find horizontal I just upped the shadow a bit so it wasn't as bright as the original pic, but not as dark as my first work, so it kind of gives it a 'lying in wait' feel. Everyone hated the text so I decided to give it a more official feel. Well (try to) enjoy!
Make the text smaller, just have it tucked away in a corner
I think it looks pretty cool, so that was a guy on the right side all along? Hehe, looks a lot better now! Good job.
Now it's too bright.

Just kidding, this version is much better. :P

I guess all that negativity was useful after all.
It's not that everyone hated the first one, but it's a lot better to see what's going on.
Murray has a point about the logo though. IMO the rest of it is fine.