My first ytmnd

Yeah, I haven't, and it makes no sense, so I love it. Crazy girl raving, oh yeah.
woah, opened with Firefox..glad I didn't with IE..the sounds probably woulda scared hte shit outta me.
ah the emo hair cuts...get chills just saying the damn words

Ahahahaaaaa, I just sent that video to my emo friend. He was NOT amused.
I saw an emo kid yesterday. I felt like screaming "KILL YOURSELF" but I restrained myself.

Hideous hair cut and Linkin Park hoodie.
Miccy, I do, and Joule can back me up. I see an emo crying over some stupid shit and I'll yell "Go cut, it'll make you feel better," etc.
Qonfused said:
Miccy, I do, and Joule can back me up. I see an emo crying over some stupid shit and I'll yell "Go cut, it'll make you feel better," etc.
You rule. :cheers:
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