my FPS!??!



hey im getting like 50-60FPS in corridors\halls\rooms but 25-10FPS in outdoor areas!...can anybody give me tips on how to make this better without loosing much of the nice graphics....ive tried directx 8.1 mode but that made it specs are in my SIG....helP plz.

i know that...i wasnt asking for bS about my comp...just tips to get it to run better you Chicken F....
and I thought my PC sucks... even though I don't understand it
hazen said:
i know that...i wasnt asking for bS about my comp...just tips to get it to run better you Chicken F....

That is a tip, upgrade your CPU, it cannot keep up with your GFX Card jackass
Either turn down your settings (try going to medium or low settings, a lower res, less AA/AF etc) or get a new CPU.
ahhh moron

the minimum rec for this shit is 1.2ghz....soo i should be able to play att a playable rate....but i dont know anything about settings YOU JACKASS.
ok....same happens at low and medium i have no AA on.....weird..
what about trying these Omega drivers for my card...ive heard that they are better??...are they?
hazen said:
i know that...i wasnt asking for bS about my comp...just tips to get it to run better you Chicken F....
That was your tip, mate. Your cpu is a bottleneck. Your options are to turn the GFX down to med/low, turn down the res, turn off AA and AF if on.

**edit,. myers already got this, and it seems hazen isnt listening,.

Min Specs = playable, but shitty.
If you want a nice, fast game, you need a faster processor.

You arnt going to find some magical driver solution to make it run faster. Omega will not help at all. Just accept this
hazen said:
the minimum rec for this shit is 1.2ghz....soo i should be able to play att a playable rate....but i dont know anything about settings YOU JACKASS.


That is the MINIMUM and they consider 25-30 fps a "playable" framerate. If you would upgrade your CPU, you would get better performance from your GFX Card. If you don't want to upgrade, just go into the settings and turn off AA and lower your resolution. It's not hard.
Its not the fault of your pc, thats fine, its cs:s' problem, I assure you. It runs on MY shit pc. the only thing it may be is your ram, otherwise, wait for updates on steam. (i have 760 ram, 256 BLOWS! but you gfx card is nice and your cpu dont matter to much)
ok ok ok....sorry if i offended anyone...just all this upgrading stuff makes me pissed off...i bought this comp a year ago FOR HL2 and now its not fast sucks that way...sorry dudes... peace and love. but thanks for tryin:)
hazen said:
ok ok ok....sorry if i offended anyone...just all this upgrading stuff makes me pissed off...i bought this comp a year ago FOR HL2 and now its not fast sucks that way...sorry dudes... peace and love. but thanks for tryin:)

tough break man...I would be so pissed if i thought my pc was fine for hl2 then it sucks (but my situatoin seems to be the other way around)
Madhotch said:
Its not the fault of your pc, thats fine, its cs:s' problem, I assure you. It runs on MY shit pc.
?? CSS is demanding. I dont even get what youre trying to say.

It runs on his box, man, he just seems to think he should get higher FPS.

The CPU cannot handle all the geometry of outdoor environments.

This is whats happening.

Hazen: You could probably just upgrade the CPU for next to nothing,.. see what your motherboard supports. AMD Athlon 2800s are going for $80 on
minimum spec lowest settings
medium spec medium settings
high spec high settings

what resolution are you running CSS on?

lol p4321gigx800p everyone's tired of that pic :p

Maybe that's why my fps is like 30's
Too many people think this is hardware and software... or is it this same kid all the time complaining about how shitty his computer is....?
I have about you're same system with 2 differences:

my Radeon 9600 pro only has 128megs of ram

and my cpu is a 2800+

and I'm getting a steadier frame rate than you. Upgrade your cpu post-haste ;)

and for the record 10+ fps IS playable. just not if you've been terribly spoiled like most gamers are these days. Why I recall playing halo on a 666mhz and a.... *goes off on a long winded "back in my day" rant*

edit: oh, and that one guy needs to quit wanking about his x800 and high framerates. You do realize that the eye can't discern above, what was it, like 45 fps?

further edit: lowering his resolution is unlikely to help him, as the CPU is bottleneck not the GFX card. Now if he could somehow disable physics stuff...
Valve_Assassin said:
You do realize that the eye can't discern above, what was it, like 45 fps?

I think it may be 60 FPS because I remember reading an interview where John Carmack said that making a game push past 60 FPS in pointless and will do nothing, but to hog resources.

Of course I am assuming about the FPS the eye can discern here.
For reference, DVD movies are 27 frames/second.

The real issue is how crisp the controls are. Lower fps or slower computers make the control sluggish.
I suggest turning down shadows and shaders, while they add to the look of the game they REALLY slow down fps, at least on my system.
TV's can handle a lower fps because of the way the eye works and the motion blur, or something along those lines. Look towards google for a more detailed explanation.
not to start a cliched debate, but many people *can* distinguish framerates above 60 fps. it's just that there isn't much of a point to optimizing games for higher rates, as it takes a great deal of computational power for a result that isn't really worthwhile.
I'm certain that when HL2 comes out, there will be hundreds of guys like this posting similar messages:

This is a little off topic regarding this guys problem, but this seems like a good environment to ask.

I did the Video Stress Test in the CS:S beta and i got an average of 49 FPS

My system specs are P4 3.2 ghz, 1024 mb ram, 9600XT vid car with 256 MB ram.

Is 49 fps what i should be getting with those specs in the stress test?
thanks for all the help peeps! im gonna buy a new CPU ...ARG!..... but my MOther board supports no more than i need to get a new motherB then???