My friend is trying to get SDK...

He might be able to get it if he creates a Steam account...
To my knowledge, you need to purchase Half-Life 2 in order to get the SDK. I could be wrong though.
What exactly is the point of an SDK for a game which you don't own?
PvtRyan said:
What exactly is the point of an SDK for a game which you don't own?
Someone may enjoy making mods but not actually playing the game. Aside from that, I don't know.
NeuralClone said:
Someone may enjoy making mods but not actually playing the game. Aside from that, I don't know.

Well you'll need to play the game in order to test the mod, yes?
"your friend" does not possible own a cracked version of hl2 doesn't he?
My little friend said;"Tell the guy, to tell his friend to buy the game".
FoB_Ed said:
Well you'll need to play the game in order to test the mod, yes?
I suppose you could get someone else to do it but that seems like pretty crappy way to develop something.

I really don't know why someone would want to make mods for a game they don't own. It seems kind of silly to me...
He just wants to help me with the mods and I would be testing the maps, And no he doesnt have a cracked version