my friends awesome post on how you know you've been whatching too much Kevin Smith


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
I'm guilty of most of the following:
- You fear and respect the escalator
- The ending of Return of the Jedi doesn't settle well with you anymore
- The theme to "Mighty Mouse" gets you sexually excited
- You almost laugh whenever someone asks what a Nubian is
- The phrase "f**k them up their stupid a**es" fills you with murderous rage
- You're aware of the gay subtext of Archie comics
- You liked the idea of a Bluntman and Chronic movie
- You, if given the chance, would ask Stan Lee for advice on women
- You hang around in airports to watch mankind at its best
- You know and enforce the difference between an eatery in the food court and an autonomous unit for mid-mall snacking
- You understand and use the term "finger cuffs"
- You've said "snootchie bootchies"
- When a woman tells you she's a lesbian, you don't see how it changes your chances of sleeping with her
- You've been to a topless fortune teller
- You always check to make sure the person you're about to have sex with in an unlit bathroom is, in fact, alive
- You claim to have a cousin named Walter
- You buy Alanis Morsette CDs with the hope that it will help you get into Heaven
- You know how much an average jizz-mopper makes an hour
- You've spit water on people just to make a point
- You doubt the validity of newspaper announcements
- You've rented weird porn to "expand your horizons"
- You've considered naming your cat "annoying customer"
- You consider the Universal Studios tour, when Jaws pops out of the water, to be the most romantic place to propose marriage
- You want Mr. Toad's Wild Ride, just like everyone else
- When you hear the word "uncomfortable" you automatically think "back seat of a Volkswagon"
- You take a Magic Eye very seriously
- You've considered stink-palming someone OR you've asked someone if they want a chocolate-covered pretzel
- You, suprisingly, know about likeness rights
- You consider the word 'tracer' vulgar
- Whenever you see a painting of The Last Supper, you wonder where Rufus was sitting.

originally posted on under "Kevin Smith" (feel free to add :D)

I am posting this because we are both die hard Kevin Smith fans. And imbd is full of sh!ts
haha, that was a good read. It reminds me - have you seen that flash animation called "Heroes"?

It's an animation based on Clerks, but all the characters are played by Marvel comics characters. It's an absolute cack!

Oh, and I have another to add:

-You are quite capable of conducting superhero coital debates with your friends.
for future reference, this is my list. I didnt have a account, so BabyHeadCrab nicely posted it for me.

Yes, i made the list, who wants to touch me? I SAID WHO WANTS TO F**KING TOUCH ME!!
my list, above was my post, check other thread for full explanation
My sister saw Kevin Smith the other week when he was in London. He was giving some kind of talk (it lasted 4 hours I think). He cursed a lot, answered questions and stuff.
Funny guy :)
Kevin Smith is Silent Bob. :laugh: From what I've heard about Jason Mewes (Jay), he's not too different then his character. And I doubt Jay has the brains to come up with the dialogue in Clerks
Puffbunny said:
Kevin Smith is Silent Bob. :laugh: From what I've heard about Jason Mewes (Jay), he's not too different then his character. And I doubt Jay has the brains to come up with the dialogue in Clerks

Didnt Jason disappear? I remember hearing something about that a few months ago that he was doing heroin and just disappeared...
mchammer75040 said:
Didnt Jason disappear? I remember hearing something about that a few months ago that he was doing heroin and just disappeared...

he did dissapear.