My "Future of Shepard" Theory

I sincerely hope the Combine soldiers are NOT clones of Shepherd, or clones at all for that matter. That's too much like Star Wars, along with this talk that the G-Man is Gordon's father.

Theoretically the G-Man already has Barney as an agent within the Combine, but I think he never cottoned on that Barney escaped. I can't see how Shepherd fits in so far but if he returns I like Adios Amigos suggestion that you will only catch a glimpse of him.

I think the G-Man's inside man might be much higher up the ranks, Dr. Breen himself.
I dunno if Barney is directly aligned with the G-Man, but one thing I have been wondering: What if Shepherd's been... Promoted?

After all, which military force seemed closest to the G-Man, to the point where the G-Man actually completed their mission when they failed?

The Black-Ops...

I reckon it'd be really cool if Shepherd was now the leader of some sort of strike force... Not a free agent like Gordon, but the head guy of the whatever military the G-Man still has control over (If he still does at all)... Maybe this time we'll have one of the Black-Ops on our side...
I've always wondered: Who are these Black Ops? And why are thay shooting the grunts? And why does Gordon never meet them? (Except the females)
I believe the Black Ops were sent in to deliver the "package." I never understood why they started shooting the Marines either, since they'd all be killed by the nuke anyway. Perhaps they were put in as a cool enemy for Shepherd to fight against.
The male Black-Ops were sent in to perform the nuking and clean up the grunts toward the end... I don't think that they were intended to be directed at Gordon...

The females, though, seemed more like assassins that had been told to track Gordy down...
The Black Ops were not included in HL, I dont think they ever thaugt about them.
They only puted them on OP Force because fighting only aliens would get boring
Most of the black ops appeared after Gordon had gone to Xen, only the female assassins sent to kill him would have had any real opportunity to encounter him.
And I think they put them in not just because "fighting only aliens would get boring", but their nuke proved rather important to the story.
The grunts were sent in to secure Black Mesa, and possibly once they had done that, capture Xen.

They failed to do this and the aliens were taking control, so the Black Ops were sent in with the mission to nuke the base. Some were already there to assassinate Freeman, but at some point the orders changed to kill off any escaping Marines as well. The G-Man probably didn't trust the Marines with a nuke.
But in HL you get the impression that the female Black-Ops are allied to the marines
The women sent to kill Freeman could have had orders to get the grunts to co-operate with them, since they had a different mission from the other Black Ops.
The Black-Ops, both male and female, seem to have been rather more informed than the grunts.

Remember the quote from OP4, too, about being made to deal with the stuff that the Grunts can't handle... Seems to me that the Grunts wouldn't be able to assemble a nuclear bomb from a warhead stored in an old warehouse...
hmm yea right but what did they mean with "the package" ??

and what ARE "Black Ops" in common ??

otherwise i dont really think that adrian shepards and barney calhouns adventures were ever done in the h-l storyline! i think they just made them for fun and to earn some money , but it never happened in h-l !! ;(
eber said:
otherwise i dont really think that adrian shepards and barney calhouns adventures were ever done in the h-l storyline! i think they just made them for fun and to earn some money , but it never happened in h-l !! ;(

Its easier to say that they did happen but that they don't have much bearing on what actually occurs in the original HL1 storyline.
I believe "The Package" was the bomb.

Black-Ops are a set of elite soldiers. You meet them in OP4. I've always been a little hazy on whether they exist in real life or not.

As for the expansion packs' effect on the storyline, all that can be said, methinks, is that they add to and clarify it...
I think Gordon will age, while Shepard is still frozen and will have to do all the dirty work when gordon retires
Brian Damage said:
I believe "The Package" was the bomb.

Black-Ops are a set of elite soldiers. You meet them in OP4. I've always been a little hazy on whether they exist in real life or not.

As for the expansion packs' effect on the storyline, all that can be said, methinks, is that they add to and clarify it...
yea that's what i want to know "do they exist in real life" and why are they called "black ops" what does "op" stand for ?

I've heard stuff about them. If they do exist, they do the type of military stuff which doesn't get talked about for maybe fifty years after it gets done... Or that's what I hear, anyway. Not sure of the accuracy...
i think Gordon was frozen too, in one of the G-man vids there is text, the image is in one of the other threads. says something about Gordon being frozen... most likely so he doesnt start going grey and old in the box art :)
Black-ops were just elite soldiers, a tougher enemy... same as the elite combine who look quite similar to the black-ops from the concept art shown!
Everyone knows* that Barney will be the first Expansion pack character enabling you to fight as Barney and see through the eyes of the enemy (he wears the CP Uniform) thus catering for both Blue Shift and Op Force junkies in one fell swoop.

*"Everyone" meaning just me and "Knows" meaning speculates :cheese:
Hmm, could it be that our pal Adrian had a hand in the events at City 14? It's inferred that something happened there before Breen chose city 17 as his base of operations. Maybe he was forced out because Sheppard went in and opened a can on his city.

Just a thought.