My Halloween Costume


Nov 1, 2009
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My work had it's first Halloween party yesterday.

Made my costume on the cheap out of vast amounts of Duct Tape and cardboard boxes.

Hope you guys like.

Yeah, it looks good (especially shoulders/neck parts). Crowbar is bit small, but it's okay.
Well done! See if you can take a bullet. Make sure you stick your chest out to brace for it.
I put a water bottle on my head and called myself water man 26 minutes before midnight. Got pic but I'd be hard pressed to post it
I'm surprised too... that's a sweet get-up! Probably was the best costume at his party. :P
Fantastic costume man, especially for only a month's work.

I'm surprised at the overall "meh" responses in this thread, it's a sweet costume, especially in light of most Gordon Freeman costumes.

Hey thanks man, I'm glad you really like it.

I know not everyone is into the whole costume thing, so I can understand people who aren't overly excited by it, but the responses have been almost exclusively positive, even if only slightly so. :)

The only reason I decided to create an account and post here was because I personally love seeing costumes based on my own interests, so I wanted to share it with other Half-Life fans.

Has anyone else here made a Half-Life inspired costume?
zombieturtle did a zombie costume. IIRC he won some contest (I think it was a free L4D contest) using it.
I'm thinking of making a HEV costume for next halloween, any tips?


I've seen a number of bad HEV costumes, and the one thing that really stands out is the lower torso paneling... I think you really have to create that in a canvas fabric to get the right appearance. Find someone in your family who can sew and do it properly. If you can't find someone, you're gonna have to learn yourself.

Also, the suit is pretty cumbersome, even with as much planning as I put into being able to move around.. There was just no way I was going to be able to drive (or even be a passenger) wearing it. Get a large tote box to carry it around and change into (and out of) it on location.

When I get back to work to pick up the tote box, I can take pictures of the individual elements and explain how I went about the more complicated pieces if you like.
How did you paint it? Cause it looks really good considering you did it on cardboard.
How did you paint it? Cause it looks really good considering you did it on cardboard.

Well, the actual paint is on the duct tape, not the cardboard. Under all the paint, is a completely duct-taped surface.

I found some hammer-finish dark gray spray paint that looked great as a base coat. It said on the can that it bonds with plastic, so I assumed that it would hold against the plastic coating on top of the tape. Unfortunately, this was not the case, as I did get some flaking, but luckily for me, I had decided to go for a more weathered looking suit, and the silver tape showing through in areas didn't look out of place.

Next layer was a can of latex paint, in a yellowish orange. I didn't pick this because of any special properties, it was mostly because it was on clearance (mis-tinted) and I needed quite a bit of it.

All of the detail work (Scuffed edges, seams, and signage) were done with little bottles of acrylic paint. (Silver, Black and Yellow)

Once it was all painted up, it was looking too plain. The duct tape gives a pretty rough looking surface, so battle-wear is the only way to go. I've seen some guys do amazing things with Bondo on other costumes, but I was doing this fast and cheap. So in order to make the suit look worn, I smeared a diluted dark crimson acrylic paint in a muddy fashion over the orange surfaces using my finger. I then went over the top of that with a much more vivid orange acrylic. But only a thin, rough coat. This leaves areas of the lighter orange showing through over the suit, and along the scuffed edges.

Lastly, I sprayed a thick layer of clear coat all of the suit. I did this to protect the paint, but all add a shine to the orange surfaces, since the acrylic paints dry matte.

Not saying that my was is the only way, but my finished suit flexes quite a bit, which is a huge bonus if you plan to actually do anything other than just stand there all night. I am able to bring my hand all the way up to my face, which is important for eating, but also for the constant wiping of sweat off your face.
Yes actually.

You can kill me-

Really nice job.. Is the headcrab Paper Mache?

Originally I wanted to make a plushie headcrab that I could attach to the back of my costume but time wasn't on my side.

I'm already thinking about ideas for next year's party. Has anyone ever seen an attempt at Dog?
I really want to dress up like a video game character for halloween next year now.
Haha that shit is tight. A+ effort it came out good. What is it made out of?

edit: same to you guys that also made badass costumes. Those look amazing