My homemade.... uh... lighter fluid thingy

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Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score

100ml bottle of breast milk(about $0.80)
One Banana

What to do:

Put banana in with salt (put liberal amount of salt)

Mix with breast milk using a wooden spoon.

Shake. (May heat up)

LIQUID EXPLO- I mean... the perfect desert!

CAUTION: use a fuse when lighting your... uh... banana. Also be aware that breast milk + eye = bad. And the mixture should not be kept around people below the age of 8.

Yeah, I was just experimenting with a few household chemiclas and got this.

My right hand no longer has hair.

Good for lighting campfires, torches, molotov cocktails, ect.
Uh huh :|

You scare me sometimes, numbers. Do you often experiment with household chemicals? D:
Uh huh :|

You scare me sometimes, numbers. Do you often experiment with household chemicals? D:


Is this supposed to go "KABOOM!", or flare up like a sterno?
Uh huh

You scare me sometimes, numbers. Do you often experiment with household chemicals? D:

Not that often, but sometimes. I have numerous lighters though. :p


Is this supposed to go "KABOOM!", or flare up like a sterno?

Um..... well.... have you ever seen one of those gasoline bombs?

Kinda like that.
Not that often, but sometimes. I have numerous lighters though. :p

Um..... well.... have you ever seen one of those gasoline bombs?

Kinda like that.

OMG, fuggin PWNAGE!

I've been, for ages, for something that works as a nice small incindiary explosive.

How much force does it have behind itself? Is it just a big flash or does it actually have some sort of decrompressing force behind it?

Because if it actually is enough to rip at least a can in two, and shoot a bean can into the air, then I may just have to sechs you my commie friend.
Starting a personal Crusade against Communism or something?
OMG, fuggin PWNAGE!

I've been, for ages, for something that works as a nice small incindiary explosive.

How much force does it have behind itself? Is it just a big flash or does it actually have some sort of decrompressing force behind it?

Because if it actually is enough to rip at least a can in two, and shoot a bean can into the air, then I may just have to sechs you my commie friend.

You know, if you want that much force, you'll have to have some hydrogen peroxide of at least 30 ~ 50% purity and mix that too. I'm still twicking it though, not much force to it.
You know, if you want that much force, you'll have to have some hydrogen peroxide of at least 30 ~ 50% purity and mix that too. I'm still twicking it though, not much force to it.

Damnt :(

What'd be nice is if I could get something in powder form that fit my description.

But then I may as well ask somebody that's got the proper liscense, to buy me a can of black powder :p
I gotta go out and get a box of prunes , and keep mixing it around for the right amount. Perhaps more salt and some breast milk to the mix could make it more volatile.
At least it'll keep the commies away from your house.

Careful, flammable chemicals can cause inexpected results, including loss of home, loss of life, loss of sanity...
hahahaha, I can see numbers having a bunch of milk jugs wrapped in tin foil all around his house, with the foil wired up as darlington touch switches that, when touched, spark his little incindiary toy.

Sign says "Commies touch this!"
At least it'll keep the commies away from your house.

Careful, flammable chemicals can cause inexpected results, including loss of home, loss of life, loss of sanity...

Yeah, that's why I'm experimenting on the rooftop (which is the 14th floor).

hahahaha, I can see numbers having a bunch of milk jugs wrapped in tin foil all around his house, with the foil wired up as darlington touch switches that, when touched, spark his little incindiary toy.

Sign says "Commies touch this!"

Great idea, thanks. :D

Video, please. I don't want my head off.

No camera. D: D: D:

Reports Numbers*

To who, the KANSPC? D: D: D:

Good to know pyromania is still a popular hobby.


Anyway, I mixed a LOT of salt to the mixture. A good 10ml of it, when poured into the ground, flames up pretty well, almost like gasoline. The bad thing is that it produces some very noxious gases, so I advise you try outdoors. My head + hand still hurts.

And, the salt + banana + breast milk mixture heats up quite a lot when you first mix it, so be careful. It kinda bubbles.
/me reports citizen 15357 for planning to overthrow the state using homemade bombs terrorism a capital offense in SK?

Let me check....

Military Code 203 - Possession of harmful military explosives without authorization: ~2 years in prison

Criminal Code 88: Murder in order to overthrow state: Death, Life in prison, or life in... a safe(?).

Criminal Code 93: One who allies with the enemy and fights against the nation - Death.

Criminal Code 96: One who destroys public property, military property, or govermental property to help the enemy: Life in prison.

Criminal Code 102: An Enemy is defined as an hostile nation or a group that seeks to overthrow, annex, or destroy the State and the Nation.

Criminal Code 119: #1 Use of explosives to harm persons or property or public security - Death, Life imprisonment, or 7+ years in prison.
#2 In a state of emergency or disastor, Death.

Criminal Code 121: In a state of war (technically, this applies now) the making of explosives without due reason will be punished with 10 years in prison.

So, it's either death or life in prison.
You scare me.

Note to self: never piss off numbers in the politics section again.
Severe action should be taken against you numbers, but we'll let it go this time considering it sounds delicious.
This seems straight out of MacGuyver but was removed due to the silliness :|

MacGuyver: "Using a BANANA, SALT, and BABY MILK, I'll blast open this door!"
Director: "CUT!"
Wait wait wait... What compounds are in bananas, baby milk, and salt that would cause this sort of reaction? :|
Wait wait wait... What compounds are in bananas, baby milk, and salt that would cause this sort of reaction? :|
Not sure, we'll have wait for numbers to answer that. He sounds like quite a cook though.
Let me check....

Military Code 203 - Possession of harmful military explosives without authorization: ~2 years in prison

Criminal Code 88: Murder in order to overthrow state: Death, Life in prison, or life in... a safe(?).

Criminal Code 93: One who allies with the enemy and fights against the nation - Death.

Criminal Code 96: One who destroys public property, military property, or govermental property to help the enemy: Life in prison.

Criminal Code 102: An Enemy is defined as an hostile nation or a group that seeks to overthrow, annex, or destroy the State and the Nation.

Criminal Code 119: #1 Use of explosives to harm persons or property or public security - Death, Life imprisonment, or 7+ years in prison.
#2 In a state of emergency or disastor, Death.

Criminal Code 121: In a state of war (technically, this applies now) the making of explosives without due reason will be punished with 10 years in prison.

So, it's either death or life in prison.

ya but life in prison means to completely different things in terms of comparing your country to mine ...let's just say we dont use bamboo shoots or car batteries
Yeah, so numbers was casually "experimenting" with a banana covered in breast milk.

Keep it away from children under 8 indeed.
Me : *puts ten bottles of breast milk on counter* *Smiles maniacally*

Clerk: * D: *
Wait wait wait... What compounds are in bananas, baby milk, and salt that would cause this sort of reaction? :|

well, the salt and the banna probably react to release a miniscule amount of potassium, and the breast milk probably has a protein enzyme which speeds up the reaction between NaCl and K to produce KCl, another salt. Then, the KCL probably splits somehow, and the Potassium from the KCl reacts very violently with the water in the breast milk, producing an explosion
well, the salt and the banna probably react to release a miniscule amount of potassium, and the breast milk probably has a protein enzyme which speeds up the reaction between NaCl and K to produce KCl, another salt. Then, the KCL probably splits somehow, and the Potassium from the KCl reacts very violently with the water in the breast milk, producing an explosion
lmao, is that an actual educated guess or sarcasm? Please say the latter.
wait... is this HUMAN breast milk??? where am i meant to get that??? :(
Boy, if we EVER told somebody of what we had created, they would have the police on us like white on rice...

this was back in my school though...friend downloaded the anarchists cookbook and almost got suspended...he never used anything from it, he just read it.

It's apparently bad. :p

wait... is this HUMAN breast milk??? where am i meant to get that??? :(

Ohhh Mom!
neither, it's a complex chemical equation! :rolleyes:
Well the chemistry behind it isn't sound, because the chemicals you are working with are random. I'd urge you to study the first post more carefully. ;)
I can see it now, Numbers assassinates all communist leaders with a Banana, milk and salt.
to be honest it sounds kinda tasty. but im still confused by the breast milk thing.
Great, I can't drink milk anymore cuz I keep thinking of a young cow breastfeeding
This stuff could actually quite easily be smuggled on a plane.

Bananas On A Plane :|
Cool, now you can protect yourself from bloodthirsty flamethrower-weilding protestors.
Cool, now you can protect yourself from bloodthirsty flamethrower-weilding protestors.
I thought of a banana bomb. Which made me think of Sven Coop. Man, those guys do a lot of research :p
Great. Thank you for editing my post :(

ace*cough* + *cough*rox
But for the ones that read my prior-to-being-edited post, note that the mixture becomes much less volatile over time, as I think the heat reaction vaporizes all the ac[CENSORED].
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