My Laptop restarts when I try 2 run HL2

  • Thread starter Thread starter ninja boy
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ninja boy

I'm really stuck and flaberghasted here, every time i try to run HL2, cs:s, HL2 deathmatch etc. ( double click on desktop icon) it says 'loading HL2' or wateva, and then displays a blue screen with white writing for less than a second, then restarts my laptop. My sys specs r:
Intel pentium M 740, 1.73 ghz , 512mb.
Nvidia geforce go 6400 128mb graphics card.
Also if you havent gathered, its a Laptop.
If you need more info, please say. thank you!
yeah ive reinstalled it, and my system definitely meets the requirements as i frequently play battlefield 2 and far cry, to name a few. thank you anyway
Update video driver Ninja. What version are u using? Right-click screen with mouse, Properties, Settings, Advanced and hit where the card name appears if it doesn't show there hit adapter, Properties and the Driver you will see driver version and when it was installed. You should have version 81.98 or in
Or just go ahead and download newest version
Before you install it uninstall old driver by way of add/remove and Nvidia display driver restart laptop. cancel "Found New Hardware Dialog" Disable your anti-virus and anti-spyware and install new driver and reboot system.

good luck.
I have tried installing this driver: 81.98 (is a different driver that could be the 1 i need?) ( my current driver is, i unistall preivious driver, reboot, and try 2 install the new driver but it says something like 'driver you are trying 2 install has no update or combatibility' or something. please help!
ninja boy said:
I have tried installing this driver: 81.98 (is a different driver that could be the 1 i need?) ( my current driver is, i unistall preivious driver, reboot, and try 2 install the new driver but it says something like 'driver you are trying 2 install has no update or combatibility' or something. please help!

81.98 and are the same version, it just shows different in Nvidia Dialog window and Windows device manager dialog, but they're the same. if your current drive is 77.43 or go to Nvidia update page here and download new driver.
This is How.
Before installing new driver V. 81.98, uninstall old driver through add/remove programs and remove Nvidia Display Driver including your personal nView settings. Reboot system. Cancel "Found New Hardware" dialog, disable all Antivirus, Antispyware softwares including Firewall and Install new driver version 81.98 and reboot system.

Good Luck.
Right, i have followed every step mate, but the following message is displayed when i try to install driver 81.98: "the nvidia setup program could not locate any drivers that are compatible with your current hardware. setup will now exit" . I then have no choice but to revert to my old drivers, which windows and VAIO believe are my latest ones. i went on, and scanned my system, and it says that all drivers are up to date. i'm on the verge of giving up. Please helm Barney, i am coming to believe you are my last hope. thnx!!!!!!!
Right-click My Computer, Property. Find Info Under General Tab. Write all info under there including service packs like (SP1) (SP2) all info from top to bottom and post it here.
While you at the system property, click the hardware tab and then click the device manager and make sure nothing is in trouble by looking for any yellow exclamation mark. if there is let me know.
While you're at device manager open up the display adapter in tree console and right click Nvidia and click property. In the general tab at the bottom see if "Use this device (enable)" is chosen, and showing. Go to driver check what version device is using. Go to resources and, at the bottom see if device is having IRQ problem. It will say "no conflicts". if there is problem post it for me if not close up the device manager, we gonna come from different angle.
Here we go:
Microsoft windows xp
home edition
version 2002
service pack 2

registered to: owner

manufactured & supported by:
sony corporation
vaio VGN-FS series
Intel pentium M
processor 1.73 ghz
512MB of RAM

driver version:
driver date: 09/06/2005

thanks for your continuing help!
oh yeah n soz 4 tha wait, i had a challenge by a m8 on c&c generals zero hour lol.
Does the game status in steam show it on 100%? Is the update box set to 'always keep updated' so you have the updates to play?

Also have you tried validating HL2? Search the forums for a link, im a tad busy sorry!