My Latest Addiction: Indian Music

lord dubu

Nov 18, 2004
Reaction score
It's like CRACK I tell you.

It all started when my wife and I stopped on the international channel during a bollywood hour.

Now I can't stop. I'm even streaming it through winamp now.

I want to break out into a ridiculously out of context dance number, where upon throngs of hot women in Saris will suddenly appear behind me dancing in time.
I like traditional indian music, with sitar and tabla instruments etc, it sounds wonderful. Have you ever heard Zakir Hussain play the tablas, he's amazing!
Heh, that's a great commercial. Not exactly the same style of stuff though...

The videos they show on IC tend to come from these huge Rogers and Hammerstein sized musicals. Two titles I remember where Khaki and JanWaar.

One that I hear constantly (must be really popular) was in the movie Monsoon Wedding, toward the end... very catchy and infectuous.
God...I hate Peugeot. Don't know why, either...