My leg fell asleep, I almost died


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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Last night I was a little buzzed after watching lost and I decided to end on a high note and relax a bit before bed. I think I was watching videos on youtube or something because I positioned my legs on my desk and I laid back.

I awoke 3 hours later completely confused and disoriented. After I figured out that I had fallen asleep at my desk I went to stand up and climb into bed. What I failed to realize was that my entire right leg had fallen asleep and was consequently "unusable". When I put my weight on the leg (basically a wet noodle at this point) I immediately fell over and the sound was so loud my roommate woke up suspecting a car had crashed.

Adding insult to injury I knocked a half can of beer over and it spilled on me as I lay on the ground bewildered...After I got feeling back in my leg I apparently fell asleep at the foot of my bed, fully clothed and wearing shoes. I woke up 10 minutes before my alarm went off and saw the huge mess I had made. I managed to ruin a rent check as well as my entire check book.

If I sleep on my stomach I almost always have both arms fall asleep. Also this past week I woke up and most of my body was asleep, it was not fun. One time it took me about 5 minutes of heavy breathing and flapping my arms around my body side to side to wake them up. I think I have poor circulation
I always have a least one arm fall asleep on me while I sleep (depends if I'm sleeping on my right or left side); I'll wake up and not feel my asleep arm and freak out, flapping it around and smacking myself in the face.
I always have a least one arm fall asleep on me while I sleep (depends if I'm sleeping on my right or left side); I'll wake up and not feel my asleep arm and freak out, flapping it around and smacking myself in the face.

the worst is when an important phone call occurs and you can't even pick up the phone. if there was a fire you'd be ****ed!
Poor circulation. You'll want to get some exercise daily. You're making your heart work too hard and giving yourself high blood pressure which can lead to stroke. Years of double duty heart pumping lower your lifespan.
I sometimes wake up at night and my leg refuses to wake, it hurts for some reason so Im unsure whether it is asleep or cramping or a combination of both.
I get pins and needles in my arse sometimes from sitting down for ages. I haven't had a limb fall asleep in a good while though.
the worst is when an important phone call occurs and you can't even pick up the phone. if there was a fire you'd be ****ed!

ya, some IT guy came to my dorm room while i was at school and i had to move shit for him so he could work on the ethernet jack. My right arm was completely numb so i looked like a moron for a good 3 minutes.
I find it amazingly difficult to make my arms or legs go numb, and it hasn't happened in ages.

But my hand or arm has went numb when I've woken up before, its trippy as feck, all limp and unusable and unfeeling.
My arm falls completely asleep so many times that I have made a game. When I wake up in the middle of the night and the arm is gone, I sit and up concentrate as hard as I can on making my hand/arm move.

It's really difficult.
Never had it happen to my leg quite like that ... usually just an arm.

My arm falls completely asleep so many times that I have made a game. When I wake up in the middle of the night and the arm is gone, I sit and up concentrate as hard as I can on making my hand/arm move.

It's really difficult.

Heh, do you call the game "Kill Bill?"
What you really should be trying to do:
I've had one. One step and you suddenly realise that your leg is dead weight and then you just go tumbling.
It used to happen all the time when I had to sit down at School for assemblies.

I should sue them, the ****ers.
Tyguy, were you the one who also had a seizure and ended up dislocating your shoulder and posted a picture of yourself high on painkillers?
It has never happened to my legs, but it happened to my arm once last autumn. It was ****ing scary, it was like dead meat.
Try walking around with both of your legs asleep. Insane difficulty, bro.
What if your head fell asleep? That would be insane.

I hate when I wake up and my arm is complete ****ing rubber. 100% lifeless. First couple of times that happened, god damn it was scary, I thought it was dead forever.

The very first time, it took several minutes before I could move it. I was in an absolute panic. I honestly thought I would never be able to move it again. This is some scary shit like worse than a nightmare sequence in Max Payne. Even if that was real.

I was flapping it around with my other arm, trying to wake it. To a passerby, I probably looked absolutely mad. Luckily, there were no passersby in my room that night.

Eventually, after struggling for at least a minute, I felt that my finger moved about a millimeter. It was such a relief. I kept struggling to regain command of my limb, and it began to work itself out.

That was one of the scariest ****ing things of all time.
Its so weird trying to walk on a numb foot/leg.

Some people don't like it, I think its funny.

Then theres the pins and needles afterwards, and its like, not pain, but all the same walking is just unbearable. :laugh:

Funny thing is it will feel reasonably okay to walk on after it un-numbs and THEN it'll do the whacky pins and needles sensation.