My life is complete

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Yeh... I laughed out loud when I saw the thread title and then peeked into the thread. Heh!
am i the only one who thinks that hentai sucks a$$?
FARROW!!! hehe lol :laugh:

thanks now I'll never get that picture out of my head

I think I'll avoid anime for the next little while :)
"mmm, tentacles"

Seriously, did this deserve a thread? Hentai is low. Even lower than Anime.

Well, at least majestics life is complete now... most of us can't say that!!!!
Majestic XII said:
I'm holding the most.... the most extreme hentai ever made in my hands... in this very moment. It's banned the several countries and the censored version can be up to 50mins shorter.

My life is now complete...

Hentai is some twisted deviant shit. Take your animated women getting raped by alien tentacles elsewhere. You're weird.
I have nothing against you Maj, and I will...Appreciate you like your hentai, but it seems this thread has gone down hill.
Farrowlesparrow said:
I have nothing against you Maj, and I will...Appreciate you like your hentai, but it seems this thread has gone down hill.
Most people arent into hentai :/

Im sure this is a proud, proud day for maj though
I love SpuD so much with my pretty pink pig tails, im going to go play barbie!
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