my litle prediction on the next generationg


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
this is just a litle prediction I hav

even if xbox360 launch date is by the end of the year, there is more problabe that it will be buyed by more xbox owners,sure M$ will show more propaganda in MTv specially at the launch date ,and sure will be like the "anouncement" they make before,also M$ will be very focused on the japan launch cuz sure M$ is desesperate to "conker" japan cuz is like the sony principal capital (cuz is true because M$ has been giving more attention to japan that any other country) so this early launch will give it adavantage cuz sure people that dont hav consoles will go for the xbox360 and sure the fact that the x360 can reproduce like everything, more people will go for it and sure the xbox360 will hav a publicity like the ipod for be the first next gen console on sale,also halo3 will help is sale too and sure halo3 will hav more hype that the 2 so I predict more halo fanboys bashing everyother game that is not halo3,just like when halo2 was going to be launch

still there will be PS2 users that will go for the PS3,also there is the hype,of the e3 videos,but the companyes that show the videos hav sayd that the games will look like that videos, so now they must acomplish that promise cuz this brings 2 things

1 -if the companyes and sony tell the true and the PS3 will offer the graphic quality promised then is going o be a huge impact and very good fro sony,cuz all the people that where thinkingthat it was all bullshit will be amazed too and sure will give a lot of faith to sony and sucess

2-if all was lie and the ps3 dont offer a graphic quality so good as the video then is going to be the oposite of the first one and will be very bad for sony and will give then many lost tat sure will affect sony and maybe will abandon the playstation cuz the bad image it will hav,but sure there will be blind people that will believe the hype

Nintendo will hav sucess this next gen,even if are people that say that nintendo will hav the same destiny of the dreamcast I think is going to be diferent
cuz while sony and M$ are figthing using they uber powerfull consoles as weapon telling that mine is more powerfull that your and etc
nintendo is going by another way,a more interesing way,for example in a interview someone of nintendo make the questiong of "why a family will buy a gaming console?" that a very diferent and beter idea,also the fact that they want want to revolutionate gaming, not like sony and M$ that are only offering "more power" and "multi multimedia capabilyies" while nintendo is offering something easy to acces and sure the millonaire people will be the one that will enjoy the x360 and ps3 to the max while the average class people no but may bethey will hav the revolution avaible
so whatever nintendo is making is going to be a sucess,will not beat sony and M$ but it will hav sucess and whoever think the oposite is wrong

also another thing is that the fact of the next gen suporting HDtv's is that is going to be a big inerest in hdtv's and that will meang more money to spend,hopefully nintendo say that they are not going to do that so sure that will be a advantage to them

so to make the fnal conclution what I say is this:

xbox360 will be very benefited by the early release launch,the multireproductive options that will make the youngs go "oh cool is like the ipod" and the super hype of halo3

ps3 future is more uncertaing,cuz
a: if all the graphics and all the stuff is true and real then is going to be a big sucess
b: if all is lye is going to be the oposite but still will hav blind followers

revolution will hav a nice future,whatever the revo is going to be is going to hav a good future

thats my litle prediction

and sorry for my english
Um, next time don't shorthand makes it hard to read.

Other than that, I think you're right. Just clean it up and more people will read.

My only arguement is that Nintendo will probably support HDTV, and I think the PS3 will be swallowed up by its own hype.
If by PS3 you mean X-Box 360, then yes, I agree.
Don't forget that Halo3 isn't even supposed to come out until next Spring when the PS3 launches and even that will be pushing it in terms of development time. However, they will be rushing it like CRAZY because they will obviously want their "killer-app" out asap, even if its quality is lacking.

There's no doubt the 360 will sell very well this holiday season, but it is entirely way too early to be predicting anything since none of the systems have demonstrated their full power yet and no one will be able to make an educated prediction about the next-gen "winner" until all 3 are officially released and we can all see what they can actually do, so all of these threads are a waste of time, breath, compute cycles, etc....
Why do you always write "hav" instead of "have" and "cuz" instead of "cause"/"because"? It's not that hard to write properly and it makes it easier for people to read. Oh, yeah I guess you wrote "conker" in apostrophes, because you didn't know how to write the word. It's "conquer". Microsoft Word is your friend BTW :)
Hehe. Revolutionate. That is just the best word ever. :D

My prediction is: Xbox will be most popular. PS3 on the down. Revolution on the up.
somethign true about the PS3 is that it can handle the U.E.3 and the xbox360 so lets say that both consoles have some similiarity in power
ricera10 said:
Um, next time don't shorthand makes it hard to read.

Other than that, I think you're right. Just clean it up and more people will read.

My only arguement is that Nintendo will probably support HDTV, and I think the PS3 will be swallowed up by its own hype.
English isn't his native language., and RJMC there is no need to apologize =). Tu ingles es mejor que mi espanol.

Otherwise, my fingers are crossed for Nintendo, but you're probably right RJMC.
Lay off the poor fellas english fellas (edit: <<<<< what an awesomely phrased sentence!)

And yeh i mostly agree, and i think that the pc will neither decline or ascend, ever, as there will always be a permanent PC gamer base.

consoles for show. PC for a pro
<RJMC> said:
and sorry for my english

Don't be silly. Your english is always a pleasure to read.

Vigilante said:
English isn't his native language., and RJMC there is no need to apologize =). Tu ingles es mejor que mi espanol.

Meh... PS3 > Xbox 360. Why? The name.


PlayStation 3: it's the third one in the series.
Xbox 360: there are not 359 versions of the Xbox out there; the console is not a circle; if you go 360 degrees, you wind up right back where you were. Microsoft, you dumbass.
Q_onfused said:
Meh... PS3 > Xbox 360. Why? The name.


PlayStation 3: it's the third one in the series.
Xbox 360: there are not 359 versions of the Xbox out there; the console is not a circle; if you go 360 degrees, you wind up right back where you were. Microsoft, you dumbass.

LOL! My thoughts exactly! Those marketing whiz kids at M$ changing the name from xbox2 to xbox360 because xbox2 would automatically be exquated by joe lunchbox as having older, out-dated tech because of the version number, despite having very similar components under the hood. A remarkable demonstraion of lack of faith in consumer intelligence. Though judging by the people that actually thought Halo was awesome, they are being very smart to overestimate the stupidity of the consumer.*

*Please, no flames. I thought Halo was uber-crap compared to the FPSs I had been exposed to up to that point. I still don't get the appeal, but that's just me.
Xbox 360: there are not 359 versions of the Xbox out there; the console is not a circle; if you go 360 degrees, you wind up right back where you were. Microsoft, you dumbass.
But 360 degrees is a revolution. X360 is supppose to be a Revolution...
suppose to be...don't mean it will be...probably wont be..maybe Revolution will be a Revolution...
Q_onfused said:
Xbox 360: there are not 359 versions of the Xbox out there; the console is not a circle; if you go 360 degrees, you wind up right back where you were. Microsoft, you dumbass.


HAHA that is so true, i mentioned this to some of my friends to. A 360 is coming back to the exact same place that you started at, meaning that essentially the Xbox360 is the exact same thing as the Xbox. Seriously, those guys a tools, and i hate the idea that they wouldnt just name it Xbox2 as well.... just.... WHY!?!?!?!?!?
The only problem is that they haven't actually said how it will revolutionise gaming at all. I've seen its better graphics, but the games still look the same to me. Is there really anything different about it aside from horsepower and its increased XBox Live capability (which really could be done on the current XBox with a downloadable patch)?
Well hey... in Microsofts world Graphics and Xbox Live is revolutionizing. In Sonys world, graphics and possibly online play is revolutionizing... in Nintendo's world new unique features and innovative software and hardware is revolutionizing.

Personally, I like Nintendo's world alot better when you look at it like that.
That's a fair bit of generalising there, Mineral :)

As much as i'm a Nintendo fan, I can't help but notice that many of the most impressive and original titles of recent times, and in development, are PS2 exclusives.

Xbox Live also offers a very different, and more varied, experience than online pc gaming. If anything it deserves to be applauded for taking arcade gaming online :)
fantasiser said:

HAHA that is so true, i mentioned this to some of my friends to. A 360 is coming back to the exact same place that you started at, meaning that essentially the Xbox360 is the exact same thing as the Xbox. Seriously, those guys a tools, and i hate the idea that they wouldnt just name it Xbox2 as well.... just.... WHY!?!?!?!?!?

cuz they are scared ad desperate

seriously cuz if they are going to release it first that the ps3 then sure they will hav a lot of sucess but this decition of not named it xbox2 because they will think people will find it lower that the ps3 then thats means they are worried,also the lots of publicity like the xbox cup promoting forza,the nesquik things,the mtv anouncements

all this really show they are woried
also things like the desing that looks like a giant ipod and it can stand verticall and reminds a lot the ps2,faceplates like cellphones faceplates, I meang they ae using every trick possible

and I am sure there will be ads whit celebritys or more publicity like that