My map thus far


Mar 29, 2005
Reaction score
I need some critics here. http://xsilentsniperx16 .tripod .com/id2.html (no spaces in URL). There you will find pics of my level and - the level i have been working on. the zip contains my bsp file and stuff. This isnt finished just yet, this is merely what i have going so far. Any comments and suggestions would be spiffy.

Edit: decided to add the .vmf file to the zip. DO NOT STEAL MY MAP OR I'LL BE PISSED. How can I prevent that anyways?
Looks good so far dude!

is it a hl2, hl2dm, or css map?

There is a way to lock down your .bsp so that it cannot be VMEXed. Google it and you should find something.
WAR_Nuker said:
HL2DM map. VMEX eh? Ill look into that. Thanks man.

I just realized that you are purposely giving out your .VMF file. There is no way to keep people from stealing your map if you give it to them! Only give out the .bsp locked down if you don't want anyone snagging your map.
woopsie poopsie. i was only givin it out so that others might evaluate it and see if there is anything majorly wrong with it. didnt occur to me that not everyone here can be trusted. Ill take the vmf out of the zip...and whoever wants it will have to contact me.
I like it....How much "ventage" is there? I love vent crawling. Best part of HL1
the vents go over the entire garage....i think i may have put in too much vents actually, but i made em at a height that allows you to walk in them instead of crawl (crawling in them would have been very time consuming).
Opened site, heard noise, closed site. Sounds aren't good when you're volume is at full blast.
hahahaha....thats my buddy ben singin the meow mix song. i was upstairs doin somethin and he recorded it and accidentally saved it....i eventually found it and put it on my site.
noooooo!!!! Can u post the wav file? Thats hillarious. I'm going to incorporate it into a movie Im making.
hmmm....looks like its gone forever....check your internet history for a coolcatz.wav
yeah cant find it on mine either....sorry kids


if one of you experts would be interested in playtesting let me know.
In some of your pictures I see light fixtures on the wall and hanging giving off light, but the entire area is just bathed in light. You need to darken it a little in those areas so the lights there look like they actually contriblute to the environment.
Or, if the area is suppose to be that very bright, take out those lights, because they look pointless.

Some examples...

In garage2, you have a light shinning up onto another light.

garage4 and 9 are just way too bright for those singular lights to be important.
ah i didnt really pay attention to using this game i have as a reference, but the game is old and some parts of it dont make sense as well. i see what you mean though. i will probably delete them or move them to a different location.