My marks suck! Decent computer too...


Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
My 3dmark scores SUCK. its not 3dmark itself that is bothering me, its that i might be (and probably am) getting bad game performance as well.
my scores:
3dmark 03, all settings default - 772 marks
3dmark 01 se, all default - 2637

My rig:
amd athlon xp 2400+
Chaintech Zenith 7NJS mobo
Nvidia Nforce 2 chipset
512 mb DDR
geforce fx5600 256 mb 8x agp (latest drivers)
audigy 2
maxtor 160 gig HDD 8mb cache 7200 RPM
WD 60 gig HDD 7200 RPM (windows installed on this one)
win xp pro

I've tweaked the OS a bit, have latest drivers for almost everything. What the heck is wrong here? Should i not be getting much higher scores? Anyone that can suggest what i can do to improve my performance would be greatly helping me. Also, what scores do you think my comp should be getting?
yeah...those scores are pretty damn low........

Im suprised your pc works at all.
lol, i know, its sad isnt it? at least i get decent FPS in DoD and other HL mods... but as for AA, well, it can certainly be better...
Possibly a power supply issue?

Its odd.....youd figure whatever is slowing it down that much wouldnt allow it to work at all.

Have you considered reformating?
yeah, but i'm too lazy for that... :-p
plus i have no clue where my XP disc is.
i've defragged recently too, helped a LITTLE, but not enough...

i think i have a 500w psu, i remember i bought teh big one when i was putting all this stuff together...
Those scores are ridiculously low.

Disable AA, AF, and V-Sync, if you haven't already.
wow...make sure you're power supply is working at capactity,and look in BIOS to see if you have anything really screwed there...
he could just be running 3dmark in high detail or have fsaa/af/vsync on.
Yeah, make sure FSAA/AF is off... Vsync cant cause such a degradation, as the games that count in the scores are so low in fps anyway (GT1 always have high fps, but count like 1/5 of what the rest do).

Is the Nforce2 at latest drivers too?
make sure u have latest drivers for everything, EVERYTHING. besides that make sure your cpu and gpu is running at right specs.
what kind of ram do you have?
for a 2400XP you need pc2700
also keep in mind that a 2400 AMd is acually running at 2.0ghz
a 2500 runs at 1.8ghz, 2600 runs at 2.0
dont know why they do this.
I have a GeForce FX5600 as well (the 128MB version though), together with a Pentium4 2.6C, 1GB RAM and WinXP. At default settings I get a 3DMark2003 score of 2780.

Although my CPU is faster, in your case I would expect at the very least a score of 2000+ in 3DMark2003.
i think i have 2700 ram.
bios looks fine, everything should be running right.
wcpuid shows processor at 2004 Mhz, which is right about what it should be...
nforce 2 is at latest drivers as of a few days ago, so was geforce fx.
Originally posted by Steven Q Urkle
what kind of ram do you have?
for a 2400XP you need pc2700
also keep in mind that a 2400 AMd is acually running at 2.0ghz
a 2500 runs at 1.8ghz, 2600 runs at 2.0
dont know why they do this.
the 2400 is a 266fsb, therefore you require pc2100
thats utter bollox.... You can set your RAM timings to 1:1 (or 100%... same thing) and it will automatically slow it down to sync with the FSB if it's SPD is to fast...
Most MB's have automatic timings...For instance, I am running 2700 on my 2400+ and the RAM runs at 333mhz with the fsb @ 266mhz. More than 1:1 is available, is what I'm saying.
wow... i get ~4500, and i have a geforce4 ti4400 :\

processor is only an athlon xp 1800+ too.
ok, im an idiot...

i turned off AA/AF in 3dmark, but...
i forgot that i had it turned on in my display properties/nvidia setup thingy....
god im stupid
anyway, i ran it again, got a 9224 in 01 se, a 2690 in 03, both all default settings.
that looks ALOT better, but still, it does seem a tad low if rootbin is getting over 4000... meh
Your score seems about right to me.
I think rootbin didn't use default settings when he did the benchmark, because ~4500 is something I would expect on a machine with a Radeon9700.
i used all defaults. no fsaa/af with default detail and performance levels in both 3dsmark and the control panel gfx card settings.

edit: and i'm referring to 3dmark2001, not '03. i don't even know if i can run '03 because the gf4 ti's are dx8 cards.
Originally posted by rootbin
i used all defaults. no fsaa/af with default detail and performance levels in both 3dsmark and the control panel gfx card settings.

edit: and i'm referring to 3dmark2001, not '03. i don't even know if i can run '03 because the gf4 ti's are dx8 cards.
install dx9, install latest dets
then you can run 03
oh, lol, you shoulda said you were running 01...
in that case, i am perfectly happy and content with life. (just too bad i couldn't hit that nice 10 grand score, meh, oh well.)
Originally posted by Pagy
install dx9, install latest dets
then you can run 03

maybe later. i personally don't care how my card scores in a dx9 benchmark considering its a dx8 card.

mmm radeon 9800 pro in two weeks.
Originally posted by rootbin
edit: and i'm referring to 3dmark2001, not '03. i don't even know if i can run '03 because the gf4 ti's are dx8 cards.
Ah yes, 4500 points on 3DMark2001se should be about right. Your card will run 3DMark2003, but only the first game test with the airplanes. Most of the other tests depend on dx9 features and will be skipped, so expect a low score. Better wait for your 9800pro to fully enjoy the visuals of 3DMark2003. :cool:
my MX card can barley run the first airplane test....barley, looooow FPS

mmm.... radeon 9800 pro soon...
That don't sound right at all, my ti4400 with a 1.3ghz Athlon and 256 MB PC133 memory, among other things, gets ~7500. Congratulations on the 9800 pro, though, I made the same upgrade and it rules :).
Maybe you got one of the fake cpu's i read about in another thread :O
Nope, both were purchased from reputable sites, and a while ago (my other is an XP2400+).
Hmm i think 3dMarks is ****ed up in general....
i got:

-amd athlon xp2800
-geforce 5600 128
-512 ram
-audigy 1

and i got a 2327 on 3dmarks03

I looked at other peoples scores and basically u get automatically 5000Points for having a ati card and intel processor they give u alot of points to compare to amd... its a bunch of bs
I get 5300+ with a 2400+ and a Radeon 9800 pro. Basically, in these tests, the faster the video card, the better your test score will be. An FX5600, while a decent card, isn't on the level of the 9700+ crowd.
I can't remember what I had, it was a lot...
6000+ in 3DM2003 I think...
EHH YO, sry... Make sure you get your motherboards latest AGP drivers. Make sure you have even installed them in the first place.
Originally posted by chris_3
Hmm i think 3dMarks is ****ed up in general....
I looked at other peoples scores and basically u get automatically 5000Points for having a ati card and intel processor they give u alot of points to compare to amd... its a bunch of bs
No, it's not. A 9700pro is more expensive then a FX5600, so it's not surprising that a 9700pro is the faster card. I know my FX5600 was cheap, so I'm not complaining about the low 3DMark scores.

And you should check your drivers, because you might get a bit more out of your system with some tweaking.
3dmark03 is nothing but a bench to see your how badass your vid card is, and you can even do it truthfully with ATI! :cheers:

2001 is a much better bench, it gauges your entire system performance,not just the vid card. now if only they'd come up with a directx 9 bench like 2001