My monitor.


Jul 1, 2004
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i will be using a 1998 gateway monitor with my new pc. Will this be harmful to anything? will it cause lower fps or anything of that nature?
as long as u have v sinc off, ur frame rates can fly as fast as they can, but it will be kinda skipy if ur modinter cant handle the fps speed
on desktop, right clic, properties, then settings, then advanced, and there, u will see how, its different for different cards
Turning vsync off isnt of any use. Whilst the game engine will report faster FPS your eyes wont see faster frames than the speed your monitor refreshes itself. With vsync off you also have the added danger of graphical 'tearing'
barnacle said:
or anything of that nature?

Who are you, Schwarzenegger? :laugh:


Anyway, to answer your question, no, it won't be harmful.

just get a new monitor, if your comp is any good it will want to run games on high resolutions so forget about f/s and buy a new monitor capable of running on 1280 * 1024 at 75hz or more. If you don't then games will never look as good as they should and you may as well get a crappier comp.
Aceallways said:
just get a new monitor, if your comp is any good it will want to run games on high resolutions so forget about f/s and buy a new monitor capable of running on 1280 * 1024 at 75hz or more. If you don't then games will never look as good as they should and you may as well get a crappier comp.

Hmmm...well, ever think that just maybe, JUST MAYBE, he doesn't have the cash?
for now i am gatting a great tower, then a little later on i will get new monitor and new speakers and sound card, you ass.
Your games will never run faster then your refresh rate though. So if your refresh rate is only at 75 then they cant run at 80 or 90.
Someone correct me if im wrong.
blackeye said:
Your games will never run faster then your refresh rate though. So if your refresh rate is only at 75 then they cant run at 80 or 90.
Someone correct me if im wrong.
ur wrong, with v sinc off, my moniter can only support up to 75, in css, i can get up to 180
your FPS counter at the bottem of the screen may say 180 but that doesnt mean its actually refreshing 180 times on your monitor. It would only be refreshing 75 times a second. Maybee your right though. Need some more opinions. I think vsync is if its refreshing at 80hz your FPS will either be at 10,20,40,80. Or something along those lines. It cant be 17 or 27 or something like that. But the image on your screen can only be updated as many times as the monitor updates. So if its 80 then the image is going to be updated 80 times. If its being updates at 27 then it might cause some tearing.
ktimekiller said:
ur wrong, with v sinc off, my moniter can only support up to 75, in css, i can get up to 180
but who cares? [size=-1](no offense)[/size]
above about 75fps, there is a fairly small difference to how fast it appears. The human eye has an upper limit to the speed it can detect changes in brightness, some studies show this is about 60 hertz. but with monitors, the phosphor illumination drops off quickly, and rates below maybe... 75, can give you eye strain pretty quickly. i know it gives me a headache.

the limitation on old monitors is the video bandwidth. they can only show so much information so quickly. assuming you have it set on 32bit color, and have it ~75 hertz, you may be limited to a lower resolution, maybe 800x600. or 32bit color may not be available at all. 32 to 16 bit dithering isn't a huge deal though unless you are doing visual design work or something (IMO).

...or, if your old monitor isn't detected correctly, you could accidentaly set the refresh rate too high (since any new vid card has the potential for 3 of 4 times the bandwidth) and you monitor will take the quick road to destruction. unlikely, i suppose. but if you can find the manual, a quick look at maximum refresh settings chart wouldn't hurt. don't be afraid to put in the max, if you do. it's designed to handle whatever the manual says.

turning off vsync prolly wont help. vsync is mostly dependant on the speed of the video card, anyway. if you have a maxed framerate it will be only slightly noticable. for most people and vsync-disabled 'tearing' effects are more distracting than a slightly slower fram rate...

just a side note, but serious sam: second edition had vsync disabled by default. kinda odd.

sorry about the needlessly long post. i'm just bored, and also avoiding my math homework... :upstare:

Edit: well there seems to be a small amount of confusion about vsync. vsync stands for vertical sync.
It is highly unlikely that your frame rate and refresh rate are ever exactly the same (unless the frame rate is artificially limited, as hL1 is by default, i believe). if vsync is on, the render engine will write to the frame buffer, until the frame is completely drawn. then, when the electron beam of the monitor returns to the top of the screen, it feeds that buffer off into the video bandwidth, and it gets drawn to the screen. if the frame buffer is filled before the next screen refresh, the render engine waits (this is why it's turned off for timedemos and such). when vsync is off, the frame buffer get's written to, and when the next screen refresh hits, it sends the data to the monitor, even if it's not done. this creates 'tearing' becuase half of the screen buffer is filled with old data...
however, if your video card is sufficiently fast, then the frame buffer will always be full when the screen refresh is reached, therefore, no frame fate improvement will be realized. it will begin to overwrite the not-yet displayed frame buffer until refresh, and then draw out this mix onto your screen.

class dismissed. (don't worry, just shoot me if i'm a arrogant prick :x)
if u think about it, the lower the max, the slower the average is, the higher the max, it can reach higher average, this will not apply if u get below ur moniters refresh rate on v sinc on and off
[Matt] said:
Turning vsync off isnt of any use. Whilst the game engine will report faster FPS your eyes wont see faster frames than the speed your monitor refreshes itself. With vsync off you also have the added danger of graphical 'tearing'

not true. ive done tests on several games where vsync hindered performance in timedemos + i could tell the framerate was lower by eye. not to mention in some games, turning on vsync can increase mouse lag.

depending on the game, vsync is not as cut and dry and some people assume.
i am asking this question for the time being. I will get a new one shortly, as shortly as possible.