my MP5


Jul 6, 2003
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i saw Firegold's MP5 and was inspired to some of my own. ive neer even tried to to gum modelling, so comments r very welcome. Heres wat ive done so far. if theres enuf interest, ill post regular updates.

ps i think i might up the polys on the round bits. its only 526 polys atm.


  • mp5_overall.jpg
    94.4 KB · Views: 607
Originally posted by random.hero
ive neer even tried to to gum modelling

I've never tried it either. I use clay.
lol derby. Thanks aniway, ill post again when i have more to show. My bloody 'v' key doesn't work all the time, so thats y i say neer instead of never.
more more more

hi again, thanks 4 ur coments. ive done quite a bit more now, heres some pics, i feel very proud, seeing that its my first ever gun. Aniways, thanks 4 any comments in advance. hope theres 'enuff finished to give coments' ;)
more more more

forgot the pic :dozey:


  • mp5_2.jpg
    90.3 KB · Views: 351
starting to look nice, dont forget to smoothgroup your model once you finished the model so it will look nice and all
even more

sorry, i dont know much about smoothing, u mean group parts together and give them different smoothing to another ?? aniways, heres the latest update. i want to try and finish this model, b4 i go on holiday tomoro.


  • mp5_big.jpg
    63.4 KB · Views: 352

Thats very nice for a first gun man, very nice!!!!!
Me two i just finished my first model, but I shouldn't jump into ur thread with my stuff.
Great WORK!

Gun looks nice, but you might want to get away from the computer and pick up a dictionary or a english literature book and learn how to friggin spell.
Why do u care so much about spelling. Thats not what his trying to improve, its his modeling.
And don't think anybody should care about hOw ppl Tyype Annd Speeeeelllllll in heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeear!
Big game producer: Hello? Are you the guy who made that nice model? I'd like to have you on my team. We pay 100K plus expenses and bonuses. I'd like you to come to the office tomorrow and write me an outline of your plans for our game.
Illiterate model maker: uh... write, huh? Do you consider spelling important?
Big game producer:*click*
i'm back with an update !!

hi, my post when i got back from holiday was lost coz of downtime, but now im back, and ive done a bit more. ive added detail to the reciever. also, ive made a geocities homepage. u can go to it through my details, but heres the site. ignore the counter in the bottom left, thats just me updating and checking. also, tell me if u like the mouse trail thing.

random.hero's homepage

until next time...
updates allround

im pushing ahead with the model. its looking good. ive remodelled the reciever, to hav more detail and totally redid the barrel area above it. Ive still got to do the stock and add the detail to the barrel at the front. imon target for my 2000 poly limit. its about 1520 atm, so im really happy with it. aniway, if i begin to need polys, ill just take some detail out of the front, where it isnt needed as much. heres 2 pics. im off on holiday tomoro, so no more updates for a while, and them ive got homework to do so until next time.
one comment, the barrel seems to round for me at the front and the indent at the front of the grip with the screw, seems to be alot of polies in that curve...or it cud just be my eyes playing with me...

and whats the lump thats sticking out at the top of the grip ?!?
the lump is the thing u pull back to cock the gun. cant remember the name. i modelled it, coz i got bored and needed a change. its hovering away from the gun, its just odd unless u c the 3d model. and there rnt that many polys in the front grip. and i dont understand wat u mean by too round ?? whats that sposed to mean ?? it is round. aniway, do u like it !?
offtopic: where do u guys get ur avatatrs ? urs has the same style as mr.magnetichead.