my neck hurst


The Freeman
Jan 21, 2004
Reaction score
I can barely move my neck cuz it hurts

in the left side

its anoying
So does mine but you don't see me making a thread about it do you! :O

And my nose hurts..maybe broken!

And i ache all over!


(<3 RJ)
I am a celebritie in this forum so everyone should care what happens to me!
Shouldnt you be prison or somethin? Oh, right, you make our crappy lives worthwhile, so no.

Get something to wrap around your neck or something, should be gone after a day (which means this'l be somewhat useless but)
I pulled a muscle in the back of my neck a few years ago and was in complete agony, trying to keep my head up was incredibly painful and so much as moving it slightly also resulted in excruciating pain. Had to have it in a cast for 3 weeks and had a shit load of physiotherapy done in order to repair the muscle.

The moral of this story is, TREAT YO' NECK WITH CARE!
The moral of this story is, TREAT YO' NECK WITH CARE NIGGA!

Or as the Wu-Tang clan would say, "You best ta protect yo neck!"

Take some Ibuprofen or Advil, get plenty of rest, change your posture, watch some TV with your neck propped up with pillows, and stop eating pussy, until further notice.