my new custom pc is done =D


Nov 13, 2006
Reaction score
my new custom pc is done =D read specs.

I guess i lied about the specs so i took them off so people would stop talking trash
looks good, what made u get the 5200+ over a core 2 duo?
simple...i game...gaming = AMD and 64 x2 5200 dual core is the best processor i could afford! next step up with be another $300 and i dont have that
Intel sure they have the lead but not for long I imagine they won't hold that position for too long.
I think they will. AMD's only hope is to beat Intel in the quad core wars, but Intel has the best dual cores.
What a waste of money. I can't believe you bought two 7950 when dx10 cards are available.
I got a n00b question but whatever. Whats the difference between Pentium D dual core and Intel Core 2 Duo??

And which specific one should I get if I want to run a game like Crysis on pretty high settings?
Core 2 Duo, its new and very overclockable.

to the topic starter, u wasted ur money on an AMD cpu and board. should have done ur research more thoroughly. $469 for a 5200?? u could have got a E6600 and overclock it. 2 7950s?? u could have bought a 8800 GTS...
and for dx10 gfx cards. im not in need of one right now and probably wont! ill be going to college soon and my gaming is going to slow down! my main games are

half life series (including 2 and up)
cs 1.6
call of duty (1,2,soon 3)
battlefield 2

so my pc runs those super good and with some to spare
Dadgum, nice PC. Beats the new one I bought, but I probably spent a fourth of what you spent.
You're 17 years old. Even to get half the money for this setup because "daddy has a computer shop" would be difficult unless you had been saving all your pocket money since you were 12. And you are a little TOO defensive about how much it cost you - almost as if you have something to hide.... Most kids like to brag when they spend money, or get something for much less than ordinary people have to pay..... Very suspicious.

Seems more like a kids "wishlist for Santa", rather than something you actually own. Its easy to pretend on the internet!

But of course, prove me wrong....
and for dx10 gfx cards. im not in need of one right now and probably wont! ill be going to college soon and my gaming is going to slow down! my main games are

half life series (including 2 and up)
cs 1.6
call of duty (1,2,soon 3)
battlefield 2

so my pc runs those super good and with some to spare

I'm afraid it might not run CS 1.6 too well. :>
let's just say my family owns a computer shop. I got my graphic cards as a deal! If i bought two of them they would throw off $300 to the price, free shipping, and i got a discount because we own a computer shop!...and the total cost of the pc is none of anyone's business because i didnt pay even 1/2 the retail price of any of the parts...cept for ram!

so when u guys diss the fact i got dual 9250's! dont cry! i can buy new dx10's when i want! i paid SHIT for the graphic cards! so just because my pc is probably better then all you guys who just complained about it...dont mean u got to diss it

just do what normal ppl do..

"nice pc man!" would be accepted!

now stopt elling me what iu should of bought! it's not ur pc!

You made this thread to brag. I couldn't give a toss if your PC is better than mine.
so when u guys diss the fact i got dual 9250's! dont cry! i can buy new dx10's when i want! i paid SHIT for the graphic cards! !

I should hope so ..considering a single 9250 is about $40 :cheese:
That's pretty lifeless man. Posting fake specs online just go garner praise from people who don't actually matter too much in your life.

FFS, it's the INTERNET folks.
:sits down with popcorn in hand:
please, explain this 'internet' to me.
There are many internets and they all work in different ways. Some seek recognition and respect from people on the internets but usually fail miserably.
There are many internets and they all work in different ways. Some seek recognition and respect from people on the internets but usually fail miserably.

That's why I chose to download it.
Hey guys! I just got a new car! It's a ... err... Ferrari Enzo. Yeah, that's what it is. My dad owns a car-yard, so I got it cheap. Even though I'm 17. Yep, that's me, and I have a Ferrari. But don't question me about it, or mock my choice of car. My world might crumble around me.