My new digital camra!


Feb 2, 2006
Reaction score
I have a Olympus FE-115, My mom bought it for my birthday (Which is tommorw) and gave it to me early.
Picture of my little computer desk!

Picture of my 55 gallon salt water fish tank that has no fish in it yet :|

Picture of my kitty! :cat:

As soon as I can get a good picture of me I will post it.
Damn you.. I wish I had a digital camera..


*daydreams about having a digital camera*
I'm a huge photography whore, so yay for cameras.

Mine is breaking though :(.
Damn you.. I wish I had a digital camera..


*daydreams about having a digital camera*

She got it at Cosco for about 60 bucks, you should get one. I also got a upgraded memory thing that I can take 207 pictures with! :thumbs:
Nice cat! The flash really got his/her eyes. lol
Digital cameras are great. Plan on taking a lot of pictures now that you have it?
Nice cat! The flash really got his/her eyes. lol
Digital cameras are great. Plan on taking a lot of pictures now that you have it?

Yeah I noticed her eyes lol, But yeah I plan on taking a lot of cool pictures with it I have only had it about 3 hours and have already taken 13 pictures :LOL:

BTW Picture of me looking really tired.

I love fat cats. They're so awesome. I like the way they sort of waddle around to their food bowl.
Love how you have the BF2 case positioned like it's some sort of device.
Take a picture of your camera or I wont believe you got one!
I have a 22 megapixel one. So there.

Wait, change "have" to "want".
