My new futuristic rifle WIP


Apr 23, 2005
Reaction score
here is the version with a scope thingy

and without

now there still needs to be smoothing done, prob some massive chamfering and beveling just for show so it isnt so blocky, and mb a few minor adjustments.
front/back proportions look nice, but the handle looks a little too wide to be comfortable, and the grip part under barrel is a little thin. but it looks excellent :D cool to see some original stuff people are doing :) also, what program are u using? bcus i know 3ds max uses that crappy Area filter by default, and that's what it looks like in the render bcus it's so blurry.
Looks good, but what's the extruded region behind the grip for? Seems like it would just get in the way.
Doesn't look very creative, imo, but looks great in of itself.
fix the handle and it'll be perfect
start modelling for a good mod like i told you weeks ago
the map filter, go to the render menu (f10), click "Renderer" tab, under Antialiasing, there's a filter dropdown. by default it's on Area, i'd suggest experimenting w/ different ones for ur renders (personally i don't use anything but Catmull-Rom for my scanline renders) :)
Looks intresting, The basic shape kidna reminds me of a m82. could be just me thogh
God the pain of shooting that angular thing.. I'd probably get a welt for every short with those corners.
yeah i know but if u look up the gun like dsr-1 it is pretty much the same thing.