My Nintendo Revolution Blog! Looking For Suggestions/Comments!


Jul 9, 2003
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Hi everyone I have been working on creating a Revolution Blog in the last past few days. I have been contributing Revolution news and speculation since before E3 over at ZogDog and I have posted over 500 news articles relating to the Revolution. I have since moved my blog to a new area. It was just a sticky topic I created on ZogDog but now I have my own blog setted up. It's still a work in progress but if you guys are interested check it out:

I am working on artwork for the blog and you can see an example of that here:

I am looking for suggestions and comments so feel free to let me know what you think of it. If there is something you do not like let me know and I will try to improve it. If you have any suggestions on things that would make the blog a better place then again let me know. My goal is to create the best Revolution news source out there. Every blog/site I see tries to concentrate on all things Nintendo thus they often times miss certain Revolution news/rumors. I strictly creating a Revolution only blog and I am working to have the best source of Revolution News, Information, Rumors, speculation, mockups, podcasts, etc all in one simple to digest site. So give feedback and let me know what you guys think. :)
fun, thats a good bit of writing you've done thus quoting really....
Yeah I mainly quote the stuff that really can't be put into my own words. I do write my own writeups as well though.
I haven't done any reading on teh Revolution. Just how does this special controler i keep hearing about work? i just wandered through 1000's of words in your links describing how they "touched the controler and it was god", " i instantly had 20 orgasms and knew that nintendo had won world war 3. and taken over earth :laugh:


(very skeptical) It sounds like a remote control!
How will games use it?

What kind of games? eye toy games?
The controller has sensors in it that can detect where you are aiming at on the screen. So if you are playing a FPS game you can aim and use the trigger button to fire at the enemy like a real gun. Also the Revolution can detect where the controller is and how it moves. What this means is if your having a sword fight with a monster in Zelda you will need to swing the controller around in order to kill the ememy. You will actually have to move around to dodge hits. If your playing a Baseball game then you will have to swing it like a bat. If your playing a fishing game you will have to cast it out. Here watch this trailer to see some of it's many many uses:

In short this controller allows you to interact with the game in real time. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. :D
The Controller can detect anywhere you move it, and any tilt.
The benefit of wearing that particular geeky shirt is that it doesn't identify you as a geek to anyone that's not enough of a geek to know who Shigeru Miyamoto is and what he looks like. The rest of the people will probably just think it's some sort of political shirt.
If only it didn't have the lame Penny Arcade logo on the back it would be sold!
Kschreck said:
The controller has sensors in it that can detect where you are aiming at on the screen. So if you are playing a FPS game you can aim and use the trigger button to fire at the enemy like a real gun. Also the Revolution can detect where the controller is and how it moves. What this means is if your having a sword fight with a monster in Zelda you will need to swing the controller around in order to kill the ememy. You will actually have to move around to dodge hits. If your playing a Baseball game then you will have to swing it like a bat. If your playing a fishing game you will have to cast it out. Here watch this trailer to see some of it's many many uses:

In short this controller allows you to interact with the game in real time. If you have any more questions feel free to ask. :D

That video shows alot of exciting uses for their new controller! my little nephew wouldn't shut up about wanting me to create a game with sword play where you could do whatever you want - swing the sword however you want, not limited to pressing a button., but using a controll stick, pushing it in the direction of the swing. I thought that was a cool idea, but explained that would take an entire team of programers beyond my skill. I said there may be a game like this already out. but i don't know. Anyhow, with this controller, however, his dream could become even better than he imagined.


In different parts, i see that there are two parts to the controller, does this plug in for use with certain games? and is unplugable?

me wants! my precious
VirusType2 said:
In different parts, i see that there are two parts to the controller, does this plug in for use with certain games? and is unplugable?
Yes and yes.
The joystick 'numbchuck' attachement can be taken off so if you don't want to use that you can just use the remote itself. Also for older games or for games that developers don't want to use the remote controller there will also be something called a shell. A shell is an attachement to the remote that adds functionality. Here are some of the popular mockup shells done by IGN and others:

Charge Cradle


And a bunch more:

There is an actual controller to that hooks in. It's in the link.