My passionate hate towards rap

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Whites invented rap, but blacks seem to do it better.

Which isn't saying much, because all I've ever been exposed to are "artists" such as Lil' Boose, 50 cent, West, etc., which all sucks. There's a few "legitimate" artists that are decent, but they are few and far in between and all the other overrated gangsta rap garbage totally drowns out the genre.

Oh and Kayne West is a douche.
I never liked Rap music. At times I was drunk or stoned and could care less, but most of the time it is annoying. they may say the same about our heavy metal...but to me at least heavy metal is made by talent and not some machine. Also I do love me some NIN but I know they pump their heart and soul into their music and Trent is ahead of his time
I'd love to thank everyone in this thread for giving me something new for the iPod.


Why is everyone so pissed off at synthesised instruments?
Why is everyone so pissed off at synthesised instruments?
Because synthesized instruments will one day enslave the human race and make all musicians drink the water,
thus making them devoid of any talent.
lol @ massive knockers stretching shirts to unwearable proportions.

I wasn't saying synthesisers are the bomb or anything, but I don't understand the rabid hate.

Have you listened to Skinny Puppy before, Saturos?
lol @ massive knockers stretching shirts to unwearable proportions.

I wasn't saying synthesisers are the bomb or anything, but I don't understand the rabid hate.

Have you listened to Skinny Puppy before, Saturos?
Nope. Oh and...

lol @ massive knockers stretching shirts to unwearable proportions.
Damn you, your never gonna let this go are you? :3
It was just adorable, was all.

But anyway, if you ever listen to them (I'd link them on youtube but the quality really doesn't do them justice) and you end up actually tolerating it (A lot of people seem to run away from SP screaming.), them you'll sit there amongst the broken bones and egg-shells of your dragon lair, and you will think, "Hey. Maybe synthesised instruments aren't the cause for terrible music these days, maybe it's the people behind the instruments!"

But then again SP is pretty 80s.
It was just adorable, was all.

But anyway, if you ever listen to them (I'd link them on youtube but the quality really doesn't do them justice) and you end up actually tolerating it (A lot of people seem to run away from SP screaming.), them you'll sit there amongst the broken bones and egg-shells of your dragon lair, and you will think, "Hey. Maybe synthesised instruments aren't the cause for terrible music these days, maybe it's the people behind the instruments!"

But then again SP is pretty 80s.
Maybe it's just the style I don't like. I'm pretty techno in everything except music, which I never liked. There were some older 80's rock that uses a hybrid of both guitar and synthesizer like some of Led Zepplin's music which wasn't so bad.

The only exception is some in-game music like HL2 and the Ratchet & Clank series which sounded pretty cool imo.
Aquire, legally or otherwise, the album Last Rights.

it is, by far, their most intense album. Experience, even!*

* - Apparently the lead singer, OhGr, was shooting up 20 times a day during this period. NOT SAYING YOU SHOULD SHOOT UP, BRO. But maybe a few cones and a tab or two will really throw you into the enviroments the album makes, because apparently it's best enjoyed in a similar state of mind to those crazy cats.

PS. I'm totally going to hate myself for talking about drugs occassionaly when I browse these forums years later.

PSS. These forums better be up years later.
I wasn't saying synthesisers are the bomb or anything, but I don't understand the rabid hate.
This topic is really tiresome for me, but I guess I must comment.

All I said was that some people find synthesized music unpleasing. This has to do with the metronomic atomic clock like timing, the identical sound being repeated usually even at the same intensity and volume. In the case with the old stuff, the instruments didn't even sound close to being convincing. Synthesized instruments have come a long way over the years, that's for sure. Even not so modern synthesizers can replicate how sharply a keyboard key is pressed and change the attack of the sound. They can also incorporate a technique of - a perhaps unnoticeable fluctuation in volume.

I'm an amateur musician, and I use small recordings called samples, but most of the same problems arise. You can work around this by using several similar samples instead of the same one throughout the song, and you can slightly fluctuate the volume each time the sample is played to mimic the recording of real instruments, but it's a lot of work, and usually logistically unfeasible, especially on something like a drum sample that might be played hundreds of times.

I might have 5 different snare samples (of different intensities), using 1 of them for 95% of the time. So it's much more repetitive. Obviously, striking a snare drum sounds similar on a real snare, but there are subtle differences if you listen to someone playing it live. It's not just quieter when they hit it with less force, it has a slightly different sound altogether. Think of it like a bulls-eye where the different areas of the snare produce a slightly different sound.

However, these days, even bands using real instruments are often looped and repeated in the mastering of an album unless you hear the song live. This is particularly evident in backup or chorus vocals. One reason I usually don't like modern music, or I get tired of it very quickly.

I am very attuned to repetition and it drives me insane.
Yo Ras pardon me my unfamiliar soliloquies, similies
similar to Reginald Denny's, facial injuries
You couldn't locate my transient thoughts with lo-jack
Molest your mind like Oprah Winfrey's behind when she was a small child
Punchlines with more elasticity than Biggie's stretch marks
Chino X sparks, mad urban
I ain't scared to put the things that going around me
on tape like Mark Fuhrman
Sexing picture perfect hoes like Pocahontas often
And I'd rather hear Willie Nelson than ****ing Montell Jordan!

From "Riiot"

I'd say it takes at least a marginal amount of talent to write something like that.
Hey... Hate is a strong word... It all started with Hitler.
"I HATE ZEE JUDEN" Yeah don't follow the same path.
I could understand if it was "Oh I hate the majority of rap" or I hate
these particular rap artists and their music but saying you hate rap in
general is just turning yourself into a music Nazi.
In this thread:

Internet white kids trying to look cool by posting Rap Youtube videos.

*runs off*

I am a pretty cool twenty year old kid. But alas, you couldn't have been speaking towards me, I posted Grooveshark links.
I'd say it takes at least a marginal amount of talent to write something like that.
I'm glad you brought this up. Writing rhymes isn't difficult, however, vocally, rap is obscenely difficult and takes years of practice. Rap takes a lot more talent than most people give it credit for. But, you either like it or you don't. (not you mastag)
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