My poor friend Johny ( You know what love is bitch !? )

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
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Aight, my friend John Mcknight, has been going out with this girl for the last 4 month, the girl used to be the kind of girl you would only want for some moment of fun and then drop it. But here, my good old friend living in the south of France fell in love with her, not normal knowing that Johny used to be the man with no woman problem, but for some reason, this one really got into him, I guess we all grow up after a time.

Now, he told me they had this kind of "special relationship" but were never formalized Boyfriends as she was not ready to have a boyfriend as "all the man are the same". But my friend waited waited and kept waiting, untill he wrote me this E-Mail : (shown with his permision), its a it long, but its quite well written and I think that most of the man can relate a bit to the story, just so you know Jack is the girls best friend :

“John I’m sad, I’ve been thinking about it, I guess I have a curse in my life, but I’ve just realised, that all man are the same, they all live to hurt us woman and apart from Jack, nobody loves me in this world”.
Adrien, man, after all this months of battling, after all this nights of lonely sadness ,and all of the time I waited by her side, helped her, stood up for her and cried for her, all this came to an end with her last words “nobody loves me”. In an instant my blood boiled like lava, my eyes feared up with tears and my patience came to a mighty end. The last drop had been spilled.

I looked at her with an expression that could kill the most common mortal, and just broke out:
NOBODY LOVES YOU? (People from the school looked around us I screamed out so loud) Love you say? You don’t know shit about love; you don’t have the sliest idea what love is and you’ll never will. You want to know what love is bitch?

Love is waiting for the person you like to give you the slyest sign of appreciation, love is waiting for the same person for the next 4 month to look at you in the eyes and thank you for being there for her, love is standing up for the person you love and not giving the slyest **** what the rest of the world thinks, love is forgetting your shady past to be ready to start a new present again, love is having too put up with the “best friend” shit, love is looking at your cell phone every 5 minutes to see if the other person has wrote to you and love is also checking the damn msn hoping to see you online, and love is also about having to wake up at 3 AM to finally speak to you, drunk!. Love is waking up in the morning knowing it’s going to be a good day because I’ll see the person I love in a few hours, and it’s also love when you dream about the same person every night, and just for the record, to think about that same damn person 24/7 it’s also called love. And you know what love also means to me? It means supporting you cruelty, how many times have you tolled me you couldn’t see me just to find you in a pub with you so called friends knowing all they have in mind is your ass? And how about supporting you little messages of “I love you”, you hugs, your letters but when I really need you always seem to be busy trying to make yourself look sick, mad or sad”.

That’s just a vague idea of what love means to me. I stopped drinking for you, I stopped smoking for you, I even stopped fighting and all you can come up with is that nobody loves you? You know what? **** off bitch! The way I see it, you’ll always be a bitch, a friend (That’s you Adrien!) once tolled me about your kind, you live like a bitch, you die like one! You can’t deny what you were born. The way I see it you are just damn blind, no wait sorry the blind one is me; how could I have put off with all your bitching and whining.

Do you know who I’ am? Do you know who I’ am?
I’m John McKnight bitch! Before you came I used to be strong, perseverant, fearless tearless, and most importantly loyal to my friends, before you came my heart was a black stone, never had I dropped a single tear for a woman, congratulations ! Lucy! You were the first woman and hopefully the last one. (All this time she stood there, faceless, motionless, after my speech, I turned around with tears in my eyes but I couldn’t leave before telling her: All I’ve learned this four month is that love is, and will always be about loving the person who loves you back! That’s when she started crying, but then Adrien, the gods heard my pleadings, and never would I have thought that Jackys Jacks voice would make me so happy. While leaving, he made the stupid mistake to shout “Finally that crying ****er is leaving, what a looser”. Goooood thank you! It had been 4 month that I hadn’t punched anyone! And he was my favourite candidate! With all my emotions and strength, I turned around, went directly to him, he didn’t even have time to predict my move, and WHAM, I punched him directly to his big mouth, it felt so good! Orgasm like! He fell with the first punch; he was covered with blood from his broken lips and loose tooth! That’s when I proceeded to leave with the small dignity I have left not before looking at her one last time in her eyes and for once in all that time, I didn’t feel a thing.

And yep, that’s how 4 month of killer passion ended in just a few minutes. But its not all lost, I’ve learned a lot from this girl, now I know what to avoid, and I also know for sure what I want in the next girl I’ll meat. So don’t worry AC, and hope you also learn something from my experience, just like

the old days :) .

Ton Amie : John McKnight

PS : We missed you on the heavy drinking that night, most of passed out and ended up in with the cops ! Hooray for love !
Wow, i feel sorry for him.
At least he's realised what shes really like and moved on.

Love isn't always bad though :) <3
and no love isnt bad but it leaves you open to get hurt, and you often do. So it can get looked at as bad.
that sounds like something that i would have done (except the punching thing, if i would have done that then the guy could press charges and i would be in jail :/)

good for Johnny! :D
bvasgm said:
Summarize it in one sentence.

His friend fell in love with a girl and obsessed with her but she never noticed so he cut himself off from her.
oh and "I’m John McKnight bitch!" at that point i loled seiously, I've known girls like that before, never fallen in love with one, but they kind of bug oyu after a while.
I'm John McKnight Bitch! Enjoy yoself! Hold my drink bitch!.... Sorry I had to do that, bhut good for your friend. Really, I would have knocked the ever loving mother **** out of the dude instead of punching him.
TollBooth Willie said:
I'm John McKnight Bitch! Enjoy yoself! Hold my drink bitch!.... Sorry I had to do that, bhut good for your friend. Really, I would have knocked the ever loving mother **** out of the dude instead of punching him.

i would have wanted to but refrained from physical fights because i would be snapped like a twig, i really need to work out at least a littlel bit, i'm so scrawny.. good for your friend indeed though
Is kind of funny because I'm in a situation with a girl that is 90% the same. today I read the letter to her, of course she got the indirect and got tears in her eyes when I read it to her.
girls... who needs em.... not gay guys.... heh.... gay guys.... i like girls... ^__^
Muffin Man said:
girls... who needs em.... not gay guys.... heh.... gay guys.... i like girls... ^__^
WE NEEDA THEM TEH GIRLS! I am just now discovering love too, and it feels good.:cheers: BEER! FOR EVERYONE!
it does feel good, but rejection does not, that is why my social barriers are thick, and i don't even need them since i don't leave the house, but if somebody tries to invade "BLAM" i save them the trouble ;D
Muffin Man said:
it does feel good, but rejection does not, that is why my social barriers are thick, and i don't even need them since i don't leave the house, but if somebody tries to invade "BLAM" i save them the trouble ;D

You kill intruders with social barriers? Well, if it works then.:eek:
One more thing: Do you know the Muffin Man? The Muffin Man?! THE MUFFIN MAN!!
f*ck girls - i got real emo over my ex for the longest time, then after she got a new boyfriend i finally severed my ties - and i mean all of them with her and wrote quite a belligerent entry on my LiveJournal, which is fun, if anyone wants to read it
"got all emo" lol, emotions are normal, deal with it. and yes, i would care to read it, lolz
Muffin Man said:
"got all emo" lol, emotions are normal, deal with it. and yes, i would care to read it, lolz
oh snap, should i post it? i really sound like an asshole in it, especially cause i wrote it while i was drunk
Icarusintel said:
oh snap, should i post it? i really sound like an asshole in it, especially cause i wrote it while i was drunk

Don't listen to him -- people from Michigan are stange.

Wait... shi...
TollBooth Willie said:
Do It Do It Do It Do It Do It Do It Do It Do It !
well, i cannot ignor a request - here is me in all my asshole glory

So, I've had a little to drink tonight. I'm trying to type right. This is going to take a while, cause I keep ****ing up. So, I was talking to Blanks and I was like, **** my ex, man. **** her. I was the best she'll ever have and shit. I treated her better than anything I ever had, even better than, my family. She was the only thing that meant a shit to me, but now I don't even give a ****. She was dumb as shit to just let me go, even though I gave her the biggest damn chance in the world to get back with me. She doesn't deserve what I gave her if she can't see that. She didn't deservce any ove it if she couldn't realize that I was the best ever. I cared for her more than anything, but **** her now. **** her and henew boyfriend. He's probably going to cheat on her. But she won;t realize it because she's trying to get away from the memory of me with a new guy. I hope it doesn;lt work. I hope she fails miserably and realizes that I cared for her more than anyopne else ever will. Cause I did. But cusk it now. Even if she came back I would say no. Even if she knew i was the best ever i would have to say no, just because i need to move on, for myself. I don't believe inb the idea of a soulmatre anymore. I say fuick it/ Just live your life and do whatever. Life is too short to screw around. If any of this is coherent it is because i have deleted it several times and ewritten it to make sure it is correct. Jack Daniels ****ing rocks. I love you Jack Daniels. Laura, your new boyfriend won;t last forever. Haha. It'll end, like me and you did. Your first marriage will too. Like mother, like daughter. Chances are you marry someone like your dad. Think about that shit. And realize how awesome I was to you. Haha. Remember, chi9ldren tend to be like their parents. So get ready to marry someone like your dad. Haha. Sucks to be you. Damn, I should be getting to sleep, but i gotta piss. mmmmmm... jack! i love that guy.

well, that's my rant - please realize i'm not normally that much of a dick, and i really did love this girl for like 3 years, so this shit hurt pretty bad when it ended
TollBooth Willie said:
Yes it would be fabulous if you could.

So the fubulous thing would be me stop being so fabulous? Like, it would be so overwhelmingly fabulous of me to not be fabulous that it would make my not being fabulous, fabulous?

Ren.182 said:
Wow, i feel sorry for him.
At least he's realised what shes really like and moved on.

Love isn't always bad though :) <3

No, it's not always bad :afro:
dude i saw that whole video a while back...still gives me the creeps :|