My preload stopped!


Jul 18, 2003
Reaction score
Well, i know there are a lot of threads like this, but i think my problem is i bit different.

You see, i cant get my preload to continue, i started of fine with around 500 kilobits/sec but then it just stopped. Now i cant get it to start again and when i open the Steam-monitor it says "Steam is not currently updating any games". I have already tried to pause/continue and to delete my Client"something".blob but nothing works :(
Cry to your mommy she will buy you a new computer to pre-load on sweetheart. Dry those tears. YOu feckking JESSE!!!

That was uncalled for. I know. But come on. You should know better.
Mine is stuck at 97% ;( I'm in no hurry since I STILL don't know if I can skip the cd-installation this way or not.
Muahahaha! I went home from school today on the lunch hour and started downloading! It was finished about 15:30 GMT + 2! Basically I avoided all traffic!:D
Why are people rushing to preload? Just wait 3 days once the servers aren't as bloated.
There is a steam forum somewhere isn't there? Or