My Saturday Night Story *Long and in blob format*


Jul 4, 2003
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Story time kiddies --- PLZ READ ITS VERY COOL in some sort of way ----
*Sorry for the non cohesive paragraph thing...its more like a blob, but please try to read it, i typed it up just for you guys cause I thought you might like a story*

Okay so my sister gets a phone call telling her that her house is going to get teepee'd. She calls us (My mom, my other yougest sister, my dad and me) telling us that they are going to tp our house. I say "I guess im on lookout tonight". That really meant i'd listen to my dogs. HAH! Some plan that turns out to be. Around 11:45 - 50 i decide to take a look outside. Low and behold the ****ers did it without disturbing my dogs. WHATS THIS?! "Whispering --- shit lets go!" Feet running down the street. I, not thinking very hard at the time, say whatever, and go back in side. 5 minutes later I decide to take a ride around the hood to see if they are still on foot, cause I didnt see a car. Well, I didnt find them, so I parked and proceded to clean my damn desert landscape front yard...gawd soo many prickers...sooo hard to clean. Well then my next door neighbors come home. They see me cleaning my house, and they procede over to tell me somthing. "Hey dude, we saw the people who did this", im like what the **** how come you arent following them anymore? "Oh they were going too fast for our truck." I'm like god damn dude. then Im like "Do you know what kind of car it is?" there like "Yea, its a grey lexus" Im like "okay thanks guys" and they went inside. Then i kept on cleaning my front yard. But you see when I went out the second time, after I parked, I wisened up and had my wallet and keys to my truck and kept it unlocked. Ya know how criminals always return to the scene? Hahahah what a breath of joy when I see the dumb idiots turn around my corner and pull a U-ey in my cultasack. I look really hard and I see plenty of heads in the car so Im like "Thats them" So I walk over to my car like a bad ass and reverse, then i slap that bitch in drive and peel out so hard i bet they could hear it in the tiny little skulls. So im driving down my street, figuring they would take the shortest way out, they went left, then trying to lose me, instead of going down the hill, they went up, but too bad they werent too smart, cause I could see their tail lights, and its around 12pm so there the only ones out. So i go up to where they are. Their car is turned off completely and everyone is ducking, so I shine my brights up their ass, ya know, wake em up a little, lol so I see all of their heads pop up, now keep in mind they are facing inward to a cultasack, and then their car starts, i, luckily, never put my car in park, so I follow them into the cultasack, and as I always am a very tactful thinker, went to the OPPOSITE SIDE BLOCKING THEIR ASS. They threw it in reverse, so did I, this went back and forth for a while then we went to a stand off. So I figured if I showed them my birhgt ass blue phone, they would assume that Im going to call the police. Rofl, all the guys except the driver came out. And they all came over to my truck. God I love my truck. So I start to talk with them. They tell me information that I didnt know before. That my ****ing sister did it to another swim team member. (By the way this is all within swim team members) So I try to get the to clean half of it up because my parents would make me (heheh not) clean it up. Well they refused, and told me that *someone* paintballed their car. Well it just so happenes that my dads nice ass 2500HD lifted truck got paintballed about a week earlier. Their like yea it sucks doesnt it. And I agreed. So After thinking for a few seconds I declaired Tuche on them and decided to let them go. Shitty ending I know but it gets better. So know my *good for nothing* dogs start barking about 20 minutes later. My dad walks outside, I hear him and follow suit. Then there are two trucks outside my house talking with the neighbors that so kindly notified me who did it. Well it just so happenes the they pulled a "gun" on them. But luckily their friends held him back and told him "Its not worth it dude, its not worth it" lucky us. we didnt have to observe a brawl. So once they leave I start thinking to myself, "Holy shit I know that truck, he goes to my school" And being how stupid the driver was, he brought home my sister after practice when she didnt have her liscence. So once they leave the neighbors come back over, and tell us that it was only a PAINTBALL GUN, and that they were the ones that paintballed their car. The ****ers told me that it was dented. Well thats almost impossible, cause the neighbors' gun was on its lowest firing setting. And besides the fact that not enough time went by for them to clean it off, and look at it to see if it was dented. Anyways they can just buy a ****ing pop-a-dent right? anyways back to the story. My neighbor goes on to tell us that they threatened them and so on and so forth. Oh did I mention that the truck guys happened right in between my typing this post. So now I have my window open so I can listen for people like them. I do not want things to get bad, but...we'll just leave it at that. Well that is my saturday night story. God, you gotta love having a sister in Swim Team, and myself being a nobody sticking up for her ass....oh the irony. Oh and the funny part is that one of them is in my math be continued......................
It's always fun just after things like this happen. Not really an adrenaline rush- but sort of. Something to go down at least and not be boring. :]