My school rules

Jesus Lincoln

Aug 31, 2004
Reaction score
So i just checked my calander...
Nov16th --Half life 2
Nov17th--Half day
Nov 18th--Half day
Nov 19-27th---VACATION
Holy freaking you are lucky.

The only break I get is the week after for Thanksgiving. Thursday and Friday off. I guess that's pretty cool though... Even though it's a bit late...

You are really lucky...
Yes i have school on the 16th, followed by 2 half days followed by VACATION WOOT
Jesus Lincoln said:
Yes i have school on the 16th, followed by 2 half days followed by VACATION WOOT

well i can have tue 16th off of school/college :D
Wow long vacation my thanksgiving break is only 2 days off.

16-18 school
19 no school
22-23 school
24-half day
25-26 no school

i got chemistry and another test on th 16th.
Thank god I dont have a job (LOL).... My birthday is on the 16.nov... Lots of snacks and stuff, and HL2..!!! Play untill my eyes r square...
BongSKAKK said:
Thank god I dont have a job (LOL).... My birthday is on the 16.nov... Lots of snacks and stuff, and HL2..!!! Play untill my eyes r square...
Gotta love those metaphoric birthdays. :P
im finishing school because i live Australia and it finishes for year 12s/form 6 is october, my last exam is on the 12th of november
im off this Thur and Fri... which doesnt help b/c HL2 is released next Tuesday. Then of course theres Thanksgiving break for the next 19-->27 :borg: hl2 time!
ok, you bastards! let me do my schedule

Nov 15 - Scince Exam
Nov 16 - ITC Exam
Nov 17 - Math Exam
Nov 18 - English Exam
wtf dude, i have a chem test on the 16th too....
unless i can talk my teacher out of it, which should be easy since it would be the 18th and 19th instead of the 16th and 18th...
Jesus Lincoln said:
So i just checked my calander...
Nov16th --Half life 2
Nov17th--Half day
Nov 18th--Half day
Nov 19-27th---VACATION

Exact same for me.
That's the great thing about college.... You don't have to go to class.
I plan on skipping 2 of my classes that day, going to get HL2, and then sitting on my ass all day playing teh GAME!!!!11111
I've got a calculus test the day after HL2 comes out...

Fortunately, this is the fairly easy stuff I'm being tested on, so I shouldn't be in too much trouble for the test. The real sh*t storm in calculus has yet to come...
What the hell is everyone getting the 19th off for? Is this some UK holiday?
November 11th and 12th off...I just wish it was Thursday and Friday of NEXT week off..:(
ill start playing on the 16th and continue as much as i can, but ill probably beat the game over thanksgiving break.
there is a VERY good chance that the faculty at my school will go on strike next week (im NOT joking here) about next monday. Tuesday we'll have no school, and HL2 will be my day :cool:
Damn it I was a Halo 2 fanboy this week would be sweet.


are all off then i get in 13 and 14 which is the weekend, so 5 days off in a row. I need some money.
Also, i get this thursday off for vet day, so i get to whore my friend's 2 Xbox's...whats that smell....smells like HALO 2 TOURNY!!!

16 - Hl2
17 - school
18 - school
19 - shrooms
20 weekend

I have no time to play till the weekend
/me smacks my school

we only get this thursday off.
Haha my teacher wrote HALO 2 in big letters on the calendar for the 9th. I wrote HL2 on the 16th in similar letters and he erased it.
:D I win
Eon Blue said:
Haha my teacher wrote HALO 2 in big letters on the calendar for the 9th. I wrote HL2 on the 16th in similar letters and he erased it.
:D I win

That teacher needs to be shot for writing any game on the calender, and then when doing so erases another game.
He's funny. He showed us the Episode Three trailer in class today instead of teaching :)
When I get HL2, I will have 5 weeks of school before the next break, and the weekend after its out, I will be going on a trip to visit my grand parents...

I have two things I have to hand in the 17th... a german translation and some math...