My school rules

Jeebus, now I'm old, I havn't been in college in about 7 years. The upswing is I'm going on unemployment so I'll have all the free(man) time I want.
Well... although I do have school on the 16th and following days, I forgive them because they gave us the days off during Dreamhack. (which is smart, 70% of their students would be taking the day off those days anyway)
well i'm on reading week this week and so after collecting it at midnight thurs i get to play halo2 until monday. Then i'm back at uni but only have 8 hours of lectures in the week!!

Not sure what time (UK) hl2 is released but i'm fully preloaded and will definitely skip my tuesday lecture if needed (4pm - 6pm)
16th - College. But one of the sessions is free (and just before lunch) Giving me enough time to play the game for two hours before having to be back
17th - College
Then absolutly nothing 'til the following Monday

Not sure what time (UK) hl2 is released
nice well our school kinda sucks i got a 4 day weekend right now form fri-mon and HL2 comes Tuesday and school starts again
BongSKAKK said:
Thank god I dont have a job (LOL).... My birthday is on the 16.nov... Lots of snacks and stuff, and HL2..!!! Play untill my eyes r square...

I've already requested the day off from work :naughty:

And I'm going to have party on the 16th too, but not for you....just hl2 :)
NO! MY school rocks :P I have three leap hours from 11 am to 2pm, and hl2 is released at 10 am finnish time! AND to top it off, I only have TWO courses this period. So I start at 10 on wednesdays! WOOTAGE Hl2 THROUGH THE NIGHT!
oldfaq said:
ok, you bastards! let me do my schedule

Nov 15 - Scince Exam
Nov 16 - ITC Exam
Nov 17 - Math Exam
Nov 18 - English Exam

poor bastard :P
I am homeschooled, and I am taking the week off...

.. pwned