My sig

Put a stroke or an outer glow around the texts.. and there is not enough contrast between the background and the combine... Do you have to use greyscale? because you could put some orange...
How would I add orange? The picture is from a concept are so all I did was liquify the background and add the lambda symbol and text.
You could always do the tedious thing of outlining the combine dude to select just him... copy and paste him into another layer... and move it exactly over the original one... then you could add your glow and stuff to him...

Hah, there has to be a better way...
Make a new layer with some orange color variations and instead of normal mode, use color or something else...
Raster the text layer, copy it so you have 2 layers of the text. Adjust the color settings on the back one to make it orange (might want to hide the top text layer to make it easier), then use a gausian blur on the orange layer to make it 'glow'. Adjust settings as needed to get desired effect ;).