my site


Nov 10, 2003
Reaction score


(cause of those java-scripted menus, the whole page needs to load before they are navigational again, therefore, the site might not be for modem users, I think.)
Looks really good. I have IE6 too. Works like a charm. Loaded in no time. I like the banner very much. What's the site about?

[Edit: I just found out you could navigate a little. At first I tought there was no content yet. Seems to me you've got talent buddy, seriously]

[Edit2:there's a typo on the about page, at the end of the 1st paragraph: "mentioned abowe".]
Very fast and a nice layout... Beter than i could ever do :p

You might wanna increase the size of the navigation buttons a tiny bit. They are kinda hard to find at first glance, and a bit fiddely at high resolutions.

Even still :thumbs:
yeppers i agree with the others, very nicely done site

On a side note those maps look great, gonna be very interesting to see what you do with HL2
I second what fenric said.

You have a lot of skill, that Velvet East map looks like it could be good enough to be used in the original counterstrike.
hehe, maybe VALVe want to put it in CS16 ;)

nice that you like the site, even though my english isn't the best and there isnt much on it yet.
I love Q3 and the prayers nest map looks wicked. looks like great fun to play on. I would definatly play it
Quite a nice site, even though I also agree on the buttons. (ie. hard to spot at first) But it looks very nice indeed.
I especially liked the look of your 'velvet east' map. That looked like it had heaps of atmosphear.:thumbs: And also some of your wallpapers are nice!
You fancy giving me the code for those java script menus!:naughty: