My take on a Half-Life movie script

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Maverick Knig

Okay, here's just the first bit I've got written. Proof positive that it can be done! But it won't, because Hollywood is dumb. :frown:


Blackness. No introductory music. SFX: a tram approaches, stops; a door opens, a man stands, footsteps walk across metal. Something slides, a machine beeps a negative.

Man (muffled)
What the…?​

Something slides again, another negative beep. The man knocks on a door.

Hey! Anyone in there?

A light turns on, and now we see that we’re in an antechamber in Black Mesa. There is a computer console on one wall, and a door in the one next to it. A security guard walks in, stretches.

Guard (lazily)
What is it?

Man (outside door)
Your freakin’ door won’t open.

Okay, hold on. It’s not responding to your pass ID.​

The Guard starts punching buttons on the computer. He obviously doesn’t know what he’s doing, but isn’t getting paid enough to care. Finally the door opens, and Barney Calhoun walks in, wearing civilian clothes. The words from the intro to Blue Shift flash on-screen, describing Barney. (Before the door closes behind Barney, we catch a glimpse of another tram passing by, with Gordon Freeman in it.)

Barney (as tram is passing behind him)
What happened? A top-secret government facility, and you guys can’t even hire some computer goons to get your doors open?

Yeah, yeah, you just go right to the administrator with that one.​

They step out into the hallway.

Better get your stuff, Calhoun. There’s a locker all ready, and you’re late for your shift.

Great. Where am I going to be?

How the hell should I know? Get going!

Okay, okay.​

He starts walking through the hallways of Black Mesa, out into the security guard lobby, looking around at everything disinterestedly. He isn’t in a hurry, and appears to be flatly carefree, a man with no life to go home to. The perfect man for his measly job. He walks up to the guard at the front desk and is about to ask a question, but sees the color-coded signs on the wall, pointing his way.

Desk Guard
Calhoun, right? (Calhoun nods.) You’re late. You need your stuff first. In there. (Points in the direction of the locker room. Calhoun moves off.)

Barney walks in. Another guard is tying his shoe, as Barney walks past various lockers bearing various names (“Newell,” “Laidlaw,” etc.). He comes to his own, finds it unlocked. Inside are his bulletproof vest and helmet. He puts the vest on and raps on the helmet.

Barney (to other guard)
Hey, this is really Kevlar. Real dangerous work here, huh?​

Barney walks in and to the front desk. He looks absolutely different in his uniform, almost proud.

What’ve you got for me?

Desk Guard
Now that’s more like it. But you’re still late. Get on over to C Sector and meet the eggheads’ new recruit.


He checks the facility map on the wall and his almost-good mood drops. Sector-C is clear across the tangle of tram lines and maintenance tunnels, on the other side of the facility.

You’ve got to be kidding me. What’s this guy’s name?​

Close in on a name tag on a white lab coat: “FREEMAN, G.” Zoom out. Gordon Freeman is sitting at the back corner of the empty tram, a binder of papers sitting on his lap. He looks slightly nervous, looking around and tapping his fingers on the binder. He opens it. Inside, we see the letter of employment from the Half-Life manual, coffee stain and everything. The words from the Half-Life intro start flashing, describing Gordon. He looks up, and we see his face. Green, intelligent eyes. He still looks confused, though. He passes the various places from the tram ride in the Half-Life intro. Of particular interest is a large nuclear missile, being carried by robotic arms. As he watches with a sudden, portentous interest, one robotic arm slips, and the missile jostles a bit. Gordon jumps a bit, but calms himself, smiling grimly at his nervousness.

After traveling through grimy hallways. The car finally arrives at the station. Barney is waiting.

Mr. Freeman?​

Freeman jumps awake, having dozed off.

Yes, yes that’s me.

Barney opens the door for him to get out. The two of them walk towards a large, imposing, reinforced door.

So…what is it exactly that you people do here?

Guard people like you.

Um…okay, what do we do here?

Barney shrugs. He pushes some buttons on the door’s lock, and it grinds open ominously.

Welcome to Black Mesa, Mr. Freeman.

Thanks… (Looks at Barney’s name tag.)…Mr. Calhoun.​

After Gordon walks in, the door slams shut behind him with an echo. He glances back. Nothing happens. He rocks back and forth on his heels for a few moments. Finally, the other door ahead opens. Gordon steps out into…

An elaborate, wall-sized logo of Black Mesa looms over a security guard at the front desk. A scientist stands behind him, looking over his shoulder trying to help with something, but neither have a clue. Gordon walks in tentatively. He notices the security camera in a ceiling corner. It creepily turns to follow him as he walks tentatively forward.

Lobby Guard
Nice of you to show up, Mr. Freeman. I had some mail for you, but we had a system crash about half an hour ago, and things are kind of screwed up…

Try this: go to “Network Connections”.

Lobby Guard
We already did that…

Well, I have another idea.

Lobby Guard (rolling eyes)
Hurry up, Mr. Freeman.

Gordon watches for a few more moments as the guard and the scientist bicker about how to best configure the computer neither of them know how to work. Then he walks off.


Gordon finds his locker (right between “Shapiro” and “Culp”), but inside is a note. It says: “Gordon: you’re to report to the Sector-C Test Chamber right away. Get your HEV and hurry up! --K”

Gordon (to himself)

A scientist is tying his shoe on other side of the room, exactly as the guard was in the other locker room when Barney walked in.

Oh, that’s the Hazardous Environment Suit. Right over there. (Points to the alcove to one side.) You must be with Anomalous Materials. Man, you guys get all the fun toys.​

Gordon looks, and sees several Haz-Mat suits hanging on the wall. He walks up and is about to take one down.

Scientist (pointing again)
No, no, over there.​

Gordon turns to his right, and sees the larger part of the alcove, that had been hidden from the rest of the locker room until he walked over here. The HEV suit is in its charging station, with two empty chargers on either side. Gordon looks around, sees he is alone. He walks up the short stairs, almost reverent. The glass casing slides down as he approaches, as if responding to his presence…

Gordon steps out, suited up and everything. Eli Vance is pacing outside (both legs intact…)

Let’s go.​

They start walking hurriedly. Eli hardly glances at Gordon, who is struggling to keep up. The suit looks heavy on him.

Hey, you must be Dr. Vance. Good to meet you…

Save it, Freeman. We’re really late.

Okay. What are we doing today? I didn’t bring my notes or anything to write on…

Anomalous materials handling. You’re doing the heavy lifting, lucky you.

Okay…what anomalous materials am I handling?

We’ll explain later.​

In one room they pass, Gordon notices two men engaged in a heated argument across a table. One is white-haired with a beard, and in a lab coat like the rest of them; the other is a familiar government agent who needs no description. His briefcase lies closed between them on the table, but the agent calmly drums his fingers on it much like Gordon was doing earlier on his binder.

(to be continued?)
Not bad, but Gordon Spoke! He did, i swear!
You've done it well, but i think Valve would only go for it if it wasn't /didn't have Gordon as a Main Speaking character. Same for Calhoun.
Its ok.. I wonder if theres a way to do it with a silent gordon?

either way, the computer bit in the lobby made me smile.
If you're going to do an HL movie, you need to remove Gordon as the main character.
Maverick Knig said:
Barney walks past various lockers bearing various names (“Newell,” “Laidlaw,” etc.).

If Gordon talked, it would be very hard to make it sound like Gordon would. Who knows what he mite sound like...
Anyone remember Tosenangst 2 (or whatever it was called), the HL1 mod where Gordon had a voice and sounded a bit like an intellectual arnie, portrayed as an intelligent, cynical, wisecracking reluctant hero? :D

On the script: It's quite good but

- I have never actually heard someone say 'freaking' rather than 'f*cking' in real life.

- The dialogue seems altogether too matter-of-fact, too video-gamey if you see what I mean. Stuff that people said often sounded exactly like the thinly-disguised tutorial messages you get in games: go there, do this, etc. It just doesn't seem realistic or even believable.

Barney (to other guard)
Hey, this is really Kevlar. Real dangerous work here, huh?

This is really weird. Exposition is necessary, sure, but in my opinion you shouldn't have someone go out of their way and say something they'd never actually say just to get a point across to the viewer. I really can't imagine anyone ever saying this. If he was a rookie he wouldn't say that, I think - he'd be more likely to ask someone if the work was dangerous, and that someone would say 'what makes you think that' and he'd tap the helmet...etc.

- The whole situation seems...well, scripted, if you see what I mean. I don't think it's possible to take things exactly from the game. And it's not an opening that grabs you, that makes you interested - it seems kind of flat and devoid of life. I mean, surely the beginning needs to make a viewer sit up and take notice?

Thinking about it, an interesting idea for this kind of opening would be to follow someone from the train to their workplace with a steadicam in one long continuous shot.